Chapter 21. Making Friends(With Benefits)

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"Can.. we be friends?" I asked him bitting my lip.

His smill grew wide and he chuckled.

"Can I say something crazy?" He added.

I nodded and smiled back.

"Kiss me."

My eyes widend, Okay when he said crazy I thought he meant saying yes was the crazy part, Slow down Horan.


I was cut off by his lips crashing on to mine, I quickly pulled off and looked down

"I just want to be friends Niall." I added before he smiled again.. ?

"Lets add benefits to that." He said kissing me again.



"Niall stop." I said pulling off again

"Whats with you?" I added half shocked at his actions.

He sighed and looked towards the door.

"Arent you used to this?" He asked me still looking away.

I was confused to what he said, I don't get it? Used to what? guys forcing themselve... oh..


"Well yeah.. sort of but I kinda thought.. or atleast hoped you'd be differant." I said waving my hand infront of his face for him to look at me, and instantly regretting it.

"Are you okay?" I asked noticing how dark his usual ice blue eyes were shaded, then noticed some light bruises by his eyes.

"Niall.." I trailed turning to turn the light on then looking back at him.

"What the fuck dude? Did you get beat up by kangaroos?" I said looking at the deep oloured blue and purple marks trailing from his cheek to his shoulder.

He laid his hand on them and bit his lip.

"Sort of.."

I gave a confused look and took his hand down pulling him closer to see them better.

"Holly told.."

He began then looked away.

"Who?" I said half annoyed at him, I felt over one of the bruises and he winced slightly pulling back.

"She told Blake we were staying in the same room and-."

"Oh for god sakes cant he just leave me alone." I cussed cutting Niall off

I fucking hate Blake. Ugh! Stupid stalker.

"Anyway, and what?" I said frustraited pulling back from Niall.

"Told me if I tried anything he'd make it worse for me, but yeah.. he doesnt really bother me." He finished looking back at me

"Well it bothers me! He gave you all the bruises?! what the flipping fuck ugh!" I half screamed, pulling him into a hug.

As we slowly pulled apart I looked at the bruises, instantly blamming myself. I took in a breath and took to his neck, kissing over the bruises and straddled him. I could feel Niall swing his head back as he pulled me in closer to him, he let out a moan and I giggled pulling off.

We both looked at eachother and smiled, "You know theres no possible way of Blake finding out right?" He whisperd into my ear leaving kisses trail down on my jaw line

 "Its 5:30, if the guide catches us were fucked." I said inbetween hot breaths, then Niall pulled off. He looked at the clock then back at me

"We have 30minutes its plenty of time, and you're gunna be fucked anyway." He winked at me and leant back in to kiss.

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