Chapter 17. Just YouTubing...

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"Do you wanna go with us? were meeting up with one or two of my friends?" Joey asked me.

"No, I dont care much for friends." I rudly replied.

"Surly you had friends at one point in your life?" Zayn said.

I shot my vision too him then too Joey, I'm suprized I was asked that.

"Um, well yeah but-."

"Are you both still friends?" Joey interupted

Dammit. I dont know how to answer that.

"I thought you said that Joey was your friend?" Niall said after Joey


They all looked at me and Joey smiled. My cheeks lightly started glowing

"Really?" Joey said happily

"Uh. Well, because..uhm." I slightly started to panic in my head.

"Becausee?" Niall pushed

"WHY is it always you who asks that?!" I half-yelled at Niall

"I dont know?! Jesus sorry." He said back putting his arms out

"Why are you so worked up?" Harry asked.

"I'm not." I huffed

"Yeah you are." He replied again

"No, i'm not." I added back scoffing

"Lets act our age here!" Louis said.


OF ALL PEOPLE. Told us to act our own age. He acts like: a two year old.

"So are you comming or not because i'm confused here?" Niall added

I sighed "Why not, Even though theres already a crowd of people with you."

They all said Hurray and yay and finally and.. whatever they said when I agree'd and I looked around for Jasmine, where the fuck did the twit go?! ugh.

Eh, shes annoying anyway. She'll be fine.

We started to walk up along the town and I just followed the group from behind. I watched them all talk and laugh amongst themselves, I got looks back ocasionally. I didnt mind that they kept to themselves, I just wish I didnt get the looks back. They make me feel awkward. Or like the un-wanted friend nobody likes..

Like Jasmine.

"Okay, see yous leter." Joey said and waved everyone good bye.

What? where are they going?

"Hello Casey-ania, how are you today?" Joey said to me as I caught up with him.

"Where are they going?"

"Oh I dont know, They didnt want to go anymore. So its just us. Well, until we go meet Brian and hopfully Dave." He added.

"Ohh.." I replied to him.

"Mhm. Can I ask you something?" Joey said looking at the ground, hands behind his head.

Uh oh.

"Uhm, sure?"

He hesitated awhile before opening his mouth and closing it again.

"Joey?" I said to him. Still keeping his gaze locked on the floor.


"Joey!" A thick Irish accent yelled ahead of us. We both followed the voice till we seen a giant.

"Jesus Christ." 

"Actually my names BriBry but call me what you like miss ehh.. Virgin Mary." The boy joked.

I actually said it because he was really tall but. Okay.

"Virgin? bitch please." I spat.

"Woah-kay thennn," He said awkwardly.

"Hows it been Bri?" Joey said to him

"Not too bad, just been walking around town for awhile. Supposed to meet Dave back at the stage thingy place." He replied


Is Dave the guy were seeing in concert?

"I hope you dont mind that I brought Casey along, she could just sit and watch." Joey said looking at me.

"Watch what?" I asked

"Oh, me and BriBry vlog. Were pretty big in the YouTube world If I must say, Bri's on Tour at the moment." Joey replied

"Yeah, and Joey's doing a Storytellers thing at some camp place." BriBry added.

"The music camp?" I asked

"Yes, Casey obviously." He pointed out the obvious.


I mentally facepalmd myself

"We should get back." BriBry the tall Irishman spoke.

We all walked back to where ever the fuck were going, I dont even know.. A Stage? Maybe? No? sighh...

Just as we turned a corner uhm. Well let me give it to ya short. Joey took my hand and I had a little freak out in my head. He likes me. He fucking likes me. Shit.

When we got into the building there was only one guy in there sitting on the stage with his laptop, he looked up and smiled.

"Hi Bri, Joey and.. Red head."

Oh how lovely.

"Hi fagatron." I scoffed sitting down in the closest seat to me.

"I thought it was Megatron." He said quoting Trancformers.

I'm already bored.

"Case, if your hungry theres food upstairs. Joey told me both of you havent eaten since you got here." BriBry said to me.

I looked up the stairs, "Kay." I said rudly before heading up.

I opend a door and looked in, It was a kitchen-sitting room kinda thing. There was a really soft looking couch but I really needed a cup of tea. I walked over to the kettle and saw two tins by it, "Sugar" "Brew" Brew? just be normal and say tea.. weirdo. I turned the kettle on and spun round leaning on the counter, There was an ipod in the corner. A song was paused I leaned over and pressed play.

"Adventure Time" it was called it was really catchy.. as the chorus came around the second time I sang along

"And if I, If I loose my head again please remind me that I have no-o-othing and ide be nowhere without you too protect me 'cause lifes a game.. to me, But with only one controler-er-er and its out of battery-y so, please, please, please wont you join me. Until the very end. Its adventure time.. again." As I finished making the tea I heard clapping behind me. I turned around to see the Irish kid.

"I came up to get my camera and heard you singing my song." He smiled at me.

"Your.. song?" I said looking at him then to the picture on the ipod.

Well call me Betty and hang a picture of the Pope on my wall but he wasnt lying.

"You sang it really well." he said to me getting his camera.

"Pfft." I said picking up the tea and heading to the door.

"I'm not kidding, you're really good." He said walking down after me with it.

"Mhm, and your Herculees." I said sarcastically

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He chuckled

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