Chapter 4

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"Sunday Morning"

Mark wakes up Nicole up with breakfast in bed. Nicole slids up in the bed and leans over to kiss Mark. As Nicole eats, Mark gets dressed.

Mark steps out the bathroom and says "Babe, how does my suit look, what are you wearing today.?"

Nicole gets out the bed to fix Mark bowtie and grabs a dress out her closet.

As Nicole gets dressed Marks eats the rest of the food Nicole doesn't want. When Nicole comes at the bathroom Mark jaw drops to the ground. "Omg Babe, you look amazing in that." Nicole beings to blush as Mark compliments her.

Entering The Church

As Mark pulls into the parking lot of the church. He looks over to Nicole saying "Babe, I want you to enjoy today. Don't feel out of place because everybody in the church has there own flaws, but you have to make a decision to heal and let your past be a testimony." Nicole gives Mark a kiss and they walk into the Church.

Immediately as they enter Mark cousin Tasha greets them at the door. Mark introduces Nicole as his girlfriend to everyone at church.

As the praise and worship gets ready to sing Nicole and Mark stands to sing with them.

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