"Brotherly Love"
The Officers and Nicole talk over stuff. As Nicole waits for Mark to show up, she tries to get in touch with her brother Ken. His phone goes start to voicemail "Ken, you need to return my call asap and this better not be one of your games"
Ken is known for being a hoe. He has 2 babies and another on the way. Ken turns his phone off so he can run away from his responsibly. Nicole doesn't have time for him being foolish nor time for his shenanigans.
Ken calls Nicole 3 hours later and he sounds drunk "Hey sis, what you want?" "Ken, where in the world have you been I called you 3 hours ago and you sound drunk. Mark is on his way to get you so you can come over. Be ready."
Mark pulls up to the house to pick up Ken, Ken misses a step and fall so Mark has to help him in the car. As they get in the house Nicole looks at Ken with disappointment. Ken and Nicole are 6 years apart but Nicole has always had to help Ken out with his addiction problems.
"Ken, this is my last time helping you with your situation, I've signed you up for rehab and if you check yourself consider me not being around to help you anymore.
Now listen, Mom has been shot and killed she died this morning." Nicole watches Ken reaction on his face and he looks shocked. He breaks down crying. Nicole sits beside Ken and starts to cry, she whisper into Ken ear "You have to go to rehab and better yourself."
Mark brings them some tissue. Nicole wipes Ken face and tells him, Dad and Mom are gone but you have me. I have a family of my own but Ken you are always welcomed here but you have to stay strong, finish rehab and come home to your sister, niece and Mark. Finish for us, We drop you off at the airport tomorrow, Mark will take you back home to get your clothes, We have everything setup already just trust me.

Nicole's Story
Novela Juvenil(Sexual Content and Profanity will be used in this book) This story is about Nicole and how she builds her family with Mark but is a cheater and Nicole keeps forgiving him. Until he gets caught in the act.