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Blair's POV

It's been a few weeks and Hayden finally made up her decision about the military.

She laid in my bed after sneaking into my house. I ran my hands through her hair and held her. She'd started slimming down during basketball, and she was even more confident than before. I can't say I minded. I loved when she was confident. Either way, I like her the same though. She's hot and sexy regardless to me.

"I don't exactly know what to do baby. This is hard."

"I understand. Weigh out the pros and cons though. Even if I don't like the military, I want the very best for you Hayd." She rubbed my stomach softly.

"I know... "

"What'd you make on your ASVAB?"

"A 93." My eyes widened.

"Shit Hayden, that's amazing."

"Yeah, I know. Dad says he doesn't understand how I get such a good score on that and can't keep my grades up. I'm supposed to be able to fly. I love planes." I thought a bit.

"Have you ever tried out anything military wise? Have you ever been in an ROTC program or anything like that?"


"Well, maybe you'll like it baby. You haven't even tried out the military yet. You hate school as it is now, which would you rather? School or the military? But at the same time, you'll be leaving a lot." She frowned and looked up at me.

"I... we've only been together for a month but damn I wouldn't want to leave you for long. Shit it's hard enough going to MEPS." I laughed and kissed her.

"Baby, whatever you do, I'm on board." She looked up at me.

"Okay, so if I was to go into the Air Force, you honestly wouldn't think bad of me? I know you hate all things war and shit. I don't want you being disappointed in me." She asked worriedly.

"I'd be proud to be a Air Force girlfriend. Especially when it's you who's the Airman." She grinned.

"Well... with that being said, I guess I do want to go." I looked at her surprised.

"Quick decision."

"Yeah, I didn't want to because I thought you wouldn't like it at first. But I do like the thought of being in the military. Like I said, I like planes. Besides, they said since my score is so high they want me to try and become an officer."

"Well, I'm glad you've made your decision. I'll support you one hundred percent." She smiled and took my hand in hers.

"That's all I need honestly." I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. I'm in love with this girl, and I don't know how good that'll be. Hayden still hasn't really spoken about the future with me. She avoids every subject that has to do with that. She's still a bit fragile from Ashley too. She hasn't stayed the night at my house yet and she says it's because of her curfew, but she also hasn't let me stay over hers. I don't really know what's going on, but I don't like it much.

I guess she doesn't want to move too fast. But it's a bit too late for that, we've already been having sex. How much faster could it go?

"Another thing I need is for you to keep wearing that sexy lace bra." I rolled my eyes at her. I only had on a bra and shorts at the moment. I think she was loving it a bit too much. But of course, I didn't mind if she appreciated my body.

"Shut up perv. I didn't wear this for you." She grinned and wrapped her arms around my back.

"But did you wear this for me?" She said unclasping it. I held it in place and glared at her.

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