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Hayden's POV

I'm pretty sure something changed between Blair and I. Things just went up a notch. At least for me they did. I already knew how much she liked me and how serious she was, but now I feel it to a different degree.

I never knew if Blair and I stood a real chance at being together for a long time. I never knew if she'd be able to wait for me while I go to basic. But... I think we can make it. I sure as hell hope we do. I haven't ever hoped for anything more.

"Just come out when you're done dressing okay babe?" She smiled and nodded. I kissed her cheek and then went outside.

I closed the curtains to the balcony and Jace took out his vape. It had gotten a bit chilly outside. Yeah, it's December, but it's also Florida. Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it isn't.

"Lori's been going crazy downstairs." I huffed and held my hand out to him to have a smoke.

"About what?" I took in the smoke and tasted a strong strawberry pastry type flavor and gave it back to him.

"Well... she's been crying about you being mad at her to mom. They actually left for a while. They just got back." I nodded.

"She's the one who fucked up."

"Yeah she also said that." I sighed.

"So now I have to go work things out." He laughed and slapped my back.

"Yes you do little sis. I'm happy you've got someone good that you really like. But you know how Lori is and you can't let things come in between you guys."

"Lori's trying to break Blair and I up. What, does she expect me to just be with someone she approves of? And why not approve of Blair, what'd she do to Lori? Nothing. That's what. She's a good fucking girl." He sighed. "We just got over her mom trying to break us up, I don't need anyone else in the way. She didn't let her Mom get between us and I won't let Lori. End of story." He looked around, somewhat in thought. "Besides, like I said, I don't just like her, I love her."

"I get it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Lori's right... I'm just saying don't stay too mad at her. She just loves you... you know after Ashley, we were all so afraid of you hurting yourself. Not everyone handles you moving on like Mom and I."

"Yeah... trust me, I know. But the way you guys act... makes me think you care about me more. Because you let me be happy, and if I fuck it up, you let me take care of my own mistakes. You two don't hold things against me. That's why I'm closer to you guys." I scoffed. "And Dad, Payton, and Lori wonder why I don't tell them anything. I mean damn, I love them but... they're always on my ass." I heard the curtains open and Jace and I turned around. Blair had changed dresses and fixed her makeup back up. I grinned when I saw her, my mood completely changed.

"Damn man, you are fucked." Jace mumbled. I threw my arm around Blair's shoulder.

"You look great." I kissed her forehead. "Alright you two ready to go downstairs?" They nodded and we all went. I kept Blair's hand in mine as we made our way around the house. But, everyone was outside. So, of course, that's where we went.

More people were here than earlier. I looked around, seeing lots of Payton's friends and some of my old friends.

"Hey man, Jenny's here, wanna come say hi?"

"Yeah that's fine." We went towards Jenny, and on the way there, we passed Lori, talking to Emma. It was surprising, I thought she still hated Emma. Lori's eyes were bloodshot and I frowned. As pissed as I was at her, I hated seeing my sister cry. Blair pulled my hand.

"Go ahead. I see a few of my friends here anyway." She kissed my cheek.

"Before you do, I can still introduce you to Jenny? And you and I could hang out a bit. You're my little sis' girlfriend I have to know something about you." Jace told her, grinning. She laughed and nodded.

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