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Hayden's POV

I laid in my bed after just dropping off Blair.

I remembered last night and went across the hall to Payton's room.

"Hey bro?" I called as I walked in. He laid in his bed watching TV, but he seemed in a daze.

"Hey what's up?" I shrugged and sat on his bed. "Oh! Hey, I wanted to apologize to you. I can tell you love Blair, and that she loves you. I'm sorry for even being that way. I don't know what was wrong with me. It's not my place to tell you who you love anyway." I nodded.

"It's fine. Really, I'm over that. You know I can't stay mad at you long." He smiled and scooted over. I made my way into the bed and laid beside him. "Payton?"


"What're you going to do?" He sighed. I was talking about Nick and he knows it.

"He hates me." I frowned.

"How do you know?" He sighed.

"I uhh... I told him I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I told him I was straight and that he wasn't important to me. He used to call all the time. I never answered." I was quiet for a bit before replying.

"Do you still-"

"I've always loved him. I've kept track of him. On social media. The problem is, right now he's dating some guy. He's pretty good looking too. He probably will be better for him than me."

"Payton we both know that isn't true. You could get him back..." He didn't say anything. "I'm going by there today if you want to come."

"I'll be fine here." I nodded.

"What're you going to do about Emma?" He bit the inside of his lip.

"Emma's a lesbian. I agreed to do stuff with her just to help her make sure she was. No sex or anything like that though." I nodded.

"And one more thing. The only guy you'll ever like is Nick right?" He nodded.

"Thought so..." I sat up and patted his stomach. "Well I'm gonna get dressed to go. I love you Pay."

"I love you too Hayden. Tell the family I said hi." I nodded. I know he wanted information about Nick. And that's what I would give him. "Hey." I stopped. "Thank you. I know we have our moments where we don't agree, but you're always my little sister. I'm always here."

"And you know I've always got your back." I winked at him and he nodded. I left the room and went downstairs. As I was going down, my phone began ringing.

"Hey Blair baby what's up?" I smirked as I said it. I could practically see her rolling her eyes.

"Bitch. Anyway, guess what?" I laughed and leaned on the wall by the staircase. She sounded excited.


"Mom and I talked when I got home today. She doesn't exactly trust you yet, but she's going to give it an actual try. I know you're going by Ashley's parent's today for dinner, so maybe you can come by ours for dinner tomorrow? She won't target you this time, and I don't think you have anything to hide anyway."

"That's great! I'm so happy she's deciding to give me a chance. I don't have anything to hide, I promise. I'll be there for six, right?"

"That's exactly right. Thank you so much babe." I smiled, happy that things with her mom would improve.

"Of course."

"Well Mom and I are going shopping right now, we're going to try to mend our relationship up a little. I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you."

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