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Blair's POV

Hayden's fall scared me. I didn't know what to think, I didn't know how she was able to actually break her bone through the skin. It looked absolutely disgusting, but I ignored it and stayed close.

Nick had finally come around and talked to her. They made up as best as they could, but Hayden wasn't the easiest to get long with now.

The process for her to be out of the hospital took forever. She was hard to handle and became depressed in the hospital. It seemed like every time I left and came back, she was worst. I mean, I understood why. We spent Christmas in the hospital, and she was grumpy then. The next day, I was coming in, but I stopped.

"Little sis! Why're you so sad? You have people here waiting on you with free food. I'd love it here." She rolled her eyes.

"You try it." He frowned, realizing what he'd said.

"I'm sorry. I know you wish you could hurry and get outta here but these things take time. If I could take your place I would... by the way, I go back to school in another few days."

"Go ahead. Leave. Everyone can, in fact. I don't need anyone here at all. Tell them all that I don't want them coming back here. GO NOW!" She told him. I stood by the door the whole time, never coming in. He passed me on the way out, shaking his head, stressed.

"I wouldn't go in there... I don't know if I should come back before I leave or not. If I don't, could you tell her I love her?" I nodded and hugged him.

"You know she loves you, this is hard for her."

"I know. Well, goodbye and good luck."

Jace had decided to give her some space, but I didn't yet.

"So, you don't need anyone?" I asked her as I walked in. She looked away from me, not answering me. "What about your Mom? She brings you whatever you need from that house. She comes here and sees you every day then goes back home to do house work. What about Lori? Who decided to transfer here, because she felt like you and her weren't as close as you were. She comes here everyday too. What about Payton, who rarely goes home either because he's worried about you? What happened to the two of us need each other? We work better together, didn't you say that? Just before all of this, you said it's okay to need people, didn't you?" She sniffed and looked away.

"Well, things change." I nodded.

"So you don't need any of us anymore?" She shook her head.

"Nope." I walked over to her.

"So you don't want me here?"

"Not at all. Leave, I don't want to see you here again." My heart dropped as she said that. "I don't need any of you. ANY OF YOU AND I MEAN IT!"

"Okay, that's all you had to say. I won't come back... Goodbye Hayden." I went home that night and cried. I didn't know if it meant we broke up or not. I hated that she didn't want me around. I knew it was just because of how hard it is to be there, but it still hurt. I just wished things could be back to normal.

I didn't let it keep me down long though. Although I was distraught, I started dance practice back up that next day. Then, that night, I went to Katie's. I waited for the day her mom or someone would call, but it didn't come. A week passed and we were back at school. I had began talking to Lori. Hayden was pushing her away too and she reached out to me. Her and I became on good terms.

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