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Blair's POV

One month into Hayden being shipped.

We wrote to each other a lot. She seemed to really be enjoying the experience. But in every letter there's a line at the bottom.

I love you more than anything Blair Marshall. I miss you so much baby and I trust you're waiting for me. -Your girl forever, Hayden.

Every time I see that part a smile works onto my face.

"Aww you guys are so cute." Katie said reading over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at her. I put the letter on my bedside table, I'd write back as soon as I get back home.

"Shut up. I just miss her sometimes, but we'll make it through this. It isn't that bad. Imagine how much worse it'd be if she was taken into battle or something." She nodded quickly.

"Yeah you're right." I love Hayden and love that she's doing this. "Ready to go?" She asked me. We were going to the beach today. I remembered how much fun Hayden and I had at the beach before she left. I hoped to have that much fun with my friends today.

I rode with Katie. I hate driving, which is the reason Hayden always drove. Now it's the reason I ride with others. We listened to music on the way there, dancing in the car with some of the other dance girls.

We made it to the beach and set up where we'd stay. I pulled my hoodie off.

I was wearing a plain black bikini, nothing too revealing. The girl I wished to see and touch me was nowhere near. So, I saw no point in making heads turn.

I laid my towel down and sat down. Katie and the other girls were talking; It was beautiful outside, the sun was shining brightly. I looked around seeing couples playing in the water and walking around. Guys and even some girls, had their arms around their significant other's waist or holding their hand tightly. I found myself playing with my ring. I looked down at it and smiled. I'm just happy to have her, even if she isn't here.

"Let's go play in the water! C'mon, you gotta have fun!" One of my friends, Cassidy said, pulling me up. I laughed and allowed her to drag me to the water.

We went into the water, splashing around and laughing. The other girls joined gradually, along with some of their boyfriends.

"That guy is totally checking you out and he is hella cute." Regan said beside me. I looked at her and shook my head.

"No thank you. I'm perfectly fine with Hayden." She rolled her eyes.

"She'll be gone for another month and a half. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm not that type of girl, nor will I ever be. Besides, I'm happy with her regardless of if she's here or not. Otherwise I wouldn't be wearing the ring." She sighed and patted my shoulder.

"Well, you're missing out. Being tied down so early is boring. You should've given yourself some time to explore. Me, on the other hand, I will be scoping out some hotties today." I rolled my eyes.

"You have fun with that." I told her, kinda pissed. I hated people telling me what I should do. "I love being "tied down" as long as it's Hayden I'm tied to. That's all that matters. Fuck everyone else's opinion." I told her and walked away as best as I could in the water. Warning: Being sassy is hard while in water, beware.

I went back to shore, not really feeling the swimming as much anymore. I laid on my towel, putting in earphones. I guess I'll just tan a bit and listen to some music.

Hayden had put a few recordings of her singing on my phone, surprising me before she left. I put the very first one on and smiled as I heard her voice.

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