Chapter 15: No Shenanigans You Two

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"Hunt. I know what my mom said but you're not coming with me."

"Don't make me call her." He said crossing his arms.

"Please do." I scoffed sarcastically.

Hunter grabbed my phone before I could react, "Still haven't changed your password, sweetheart?"

"Hunter. Give it back."

He held the phone to his ear and my mom answered almost instantly.

"Good morning Ms Anderson. I was just wondering if you could speak to Emilia to confirm the plans."

My mom answered but I couldn't hear and soon enough I was speaking to my mom.

"Mom. I've told you this before. Hunter is not my boyfriend."

"I still want to meet who you're living with." Her voice came through the phone.

"So you bring him to me or you move in with your father and Jade."

"Yes ma'am." I replied straight away.

"Good. I'll see you. Drive safely. Love you lots."

"Love you more." I put down the phone and stared and Hunter, "For that, you are driving."

"Great! You ready?"

I shut my eyes for a moment. Hunter was getting on my nerves today then slowly walked towards the door.

"You don't try any shit at my house, you understand me?"

Hunt looked taken aback by my sharp tone, "Of course."

"Thank you." I sighed dragging my hand down my face.

"Sweetheart?" Hunter spoke once we were in the lift, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I stared at the numbers on the walls.

"I shouldn't have just come with without asking you first. It was wrong of me. And to act so immature back there."

I looked at Hunt for the first time, "It's fine. Just try behave when we're there. And not just at my house. You're gonna see my other friends too."

"Will I see that guy that you have so many pictures of saved on your laptop?"


"No more than that? No name or how you know him?"

"You can ask him when you see him."

"Gosh. I think you need to be fed, sweetheart. Hangry?"

I nodded, "That would make sense."

"We can stop for a quick breakfast."

"Thanks Hunt." I said smiling.

He nodded and swung our bags into his boot.


"Mom?" I called into my house. Hunter was still standing outside so I gestured for him to follow.

"Nice house." He said looking around.

"Thank you." Another voice entered the room.

"Mom." She gave me a hug and then turned to Hunter, "Hunter this is my mom. Mom this is Hunter Maddox."

"A pleasure meeting you ma'am." Hunter held out his hand for her to shake but she pulled him in for a hug. His eyes widened as he looked at me over her shoulder.

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