Chapter 42: You'd Be Left Without Any Balls

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"Cupcake? Is that you?" My grandad's voice was such a comfort. I hadn't seen him in awhile and needed to catch up with him.

"Hi granddad." I put my bag down and gave him a hug.

"How was practice?" He asked walking to the kitchen to make us coffee.

"Good. I'm excited for the final performance."

"And when's that?"

"A few months from now."

"I'll be there screaming for my cupcake."

I laughed, "You don't mind if I stay for a few days, do you?"

"What kind of question is that even sugar? But what about that Hunter? Hmm? Don't you live with the boy?"

His name made my fists clench and Dave immediately noticed.

"You wanna sock the poor lad." He chuckled. "Go out back. I've still got the punching bag out there."

I nodded without another word. I ran to my room, changed; grabbed my phone and earphones and headed for the back door.


I felt bad for the poor punching bag. I really truly did. But I wasn't done with it just yet. If spent the previous day punching it and the day after that... And the day after that. It's been three days since I bumped into Hunter. The thought angered me so I punched the bag with such force that the chain broke. It was already old and rusted, but my final blow was what snapped it. I stood there staring at the broken bag lying on the floor, my arms were still positioned for my next punch. Something in the atmosphere shifted. I was deep in thought when strong arms wrapped around my bare stomach. Someone was here and it was not my grandad, he knew to announce his presence if I was boxing. I prepared myself to push myself out of the intruder's grip and punched him right in the jaw.


"Oh shit." I said at the same time.

Hunter was standing in front of me, his one hand holding his jaw and the other blocking his face from any more attacks. I ran up to him and I was about to touch his jaw but then I remembered that we weren't exactly on speaking terms so I lowered my hand and took a few steps back.

"Guess I deserved that." He said lowering his arm protecting his face once he realized I wasn't going to hit him again. He was smirking.

I ignored him and walked past him back into the house.

"Emilia, please can we talk?" Hunter followed behind me.

"About what?" I was being stubborn and I carried on walking, straight past my granddad.

"Your face!" Dave said when he saw on dark red mark appearing on Hunter's face, "I'm gonna go get you some ice son."

The emotions that I felt whenever Hunter was near me started to distract me and I was annoyed with myself for letting him make me feel this way.

"Sweetheart," my heart melted a little bit at the nickname, "Please can I just talk to you?"

I turned around to face him. There was a little bruise starting to form on his jaw and I had to hold my hand back again to not reach out and touch it. My granddad was looking at me with a look in his eyes telling me to give Hunter a chance.

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