Chapter 36: Look At That 'Y' In Daddy

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"You want me to get what?"

"A tattoo." Hunter laughed.

"Oh gosh... Hunter won't I regret this in the morning?"

"There's worse things to regret in the morning." He winks suggestively.

"Or better," I shrug, "depends how you see it?"

Hunter laughs at me and shakes his head, "Sweetheart you've been wanting to get a tattoo for a while now. Come on. You'll like what I chose."

"You get to choose it as well?"

"Well if you just didn't enjoy that kiss as much as you did we wouldn't be here right now, now would we?"

"Well if you just kissed me normally and didn't blow my freaking mind we wouldn't be here now would we?"

I'm shocked at my own words. Drunk Emilia is definitely too honest and Hunter loves it. He's still laughing as he leads me into the shop.

"Ah Hunter! Good seeing you again."

Hunter greets the man back before whispering what he wants. The man looks between Hunter and me smirking. I don't feel too good about this.

I'm sitting down waiting for the two to finish their exchange. The look on their faces makes me decide to do something completely irrational and I'll regret it in the morning but it'll be worth it right now.

"This alcohol in here?" I ask the man at the counter pointing to the canister beside me. Sober Emilia would never do what I'm about to do but I'm not Sober Emilia and Drunk Emilia needs to remember that. I giggle at my own strange exchange before looking up to the man for an answer.

He nods and before Hunter can comprehend what I'm doing the bottle is uncapped and I'm taking a much bigger slug than needed.

"Emilia!" Hunter's shocked and he pulls the bottle out of my hands.

The man who I'm naming Scooter just because he looks like he should be called Scooter, laughs. "You've got a tough one here, Hunter."

Hunter runs his hand over his face and shakes his head, "You're gonna regret that, sweetheart."

Yeah sure a hangover in the morning is a price I'm willing to pay to not feel the sting of a tattoo needle.

"Hunter please be nice. I just want something small and pretty. I swear if I get my whole body covered I will kill you."

"Easy tiger. He's not getting the satisfaction of you naked before I do."

I blink in shock at Hunter who looks slightly embarrassed by what he just said. I ignore the comment because right now the fact that I might just be getting a tattoo I'll regret forever is more important.

"Please can I not get your name! Relationships where people get names or matching tattoos - "

"Are always doomed. Yes, I know sweetheart. Now stop delaying your inevitable pain."

I squirm at his choice of words and Scooter decides to comfort me by telling me that it won't be as sore as Hunter says.


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