Chapter 16: Hot? Yes. Tired? I Doubt It

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"Mom! We're just going to the market." I said as I closed the door.

"You look stunning by the way, sweetheart." He said holding my hand and pulling me towards the car.

"Nope. We're walking." I smiled at him.

"You just want me to hold your hand for longer." Hunter laughed when I rolled my eyes.

"I saw you had an entire wall covered in pictures in your room."

I blushed, "I took them."

"You what?" He stopped but I pulled him along.

"I like photography." I shrugged.

"Sweetheart, you're brilliant! You capture a moment so perfectly. It was as if I was there. You take truthful photos. Not those 'I'm just pretending to look away so it can look like it was taken in the moment' pictures."

My blush deepened and I wrinkled my nose, "I've always just taken pictures. I remember taking a lot of my..." I was about to say sister but I stopped myself, I didn't want Hunt to know about Jaimie, "my parents and friends."

"I saw. I must've stood there for hours just looking over all of them."

We remained silent then Hunter spoke, "Hmph, the bad girl does photography, she sings, she bakes and she's really smart."

"Told you, I'm a nerd."

"No, sweetheart, that doesn't make you a nerd. Now, how far still we get there?"

"Just a few more blocks."

"Race?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"You've chosen a good day," I looked down at my sneakers, "I'm not wearing heels."

Hunter took off before me, but he ran in the wrong direction. I could hear a distant voice call my name but I kept on running till I was at the market. I decided to leave Hunter for a while and look around the stalls.

"Gosh! You always take this long, sweetheart?" Hunter was standing behind one of the stalls.

"How...? How did you...?" I said panting and pointing to him and the road.

Hunter threw an apple into the air then caught it, "Thanks for this Mary-Ann." He slipped out from behind the stall and grabbed my hand.

"How did you do it, Hunt?" You could hear the surprise and confusion in my voice.

"It's a secret, sweetheart. Now why don't we go great that boy that's in all your photos." He pointed to Jake.

"Oh no, I'm okay."

"Well I'm not. I'm going to say hi."

"Hunter. No." I was still holding his hand so he just pulled me behind him.

"Em! Hi!" Jake came from behind the stall to give me a hug, "How are you? You're living with Sky, right?"

"Unfortunatley not, there were a few mistakes with our rooms..."

Jake looked up Hunter, he was slightly shorter than him.

"So you must be Em's boyfriend then? I'm Jake McAllister. It's great meeting you."

"He's not my boyfriend." Jake just looked at me.

"Name's Hunter Maddox. So how do you know Em?"

"I'm Skylar's cousin and Em and I are close friends...? Ummm... Can I just tell him, Em?"

I nodded and Hunter looked down at me expectantly.

"I was her boyfriend."

"Explains all the pictures she has of you." Hunter laughed.

"Oh. No, that's not -"

"It's okay, sweetheart." Hunter laughed and unlaced his fingers from mine but wrapped his arm around my waist.

Jake looked down where Hunter's arm was wrapped around me and then looked back up, "You want the famous Ugly Duckling?"

"You still have it?" I laughed.

"Of course, it's probably still the most popular doughnut. Hunter, you'll definitely want one."

"Where does the name come from?" Hunter looked frustrated.

"Em made her own doughnut at my house and it was ugly AF so that's where we got the name from. And because she had braces at the time and it was my nickname for her."

"Sure I'll take one." Hunter smiled.

"On the house for you two."

"Now you have to tell me where you went the other night." I smiled smugly at Hunter.

"I figured this one out on my own, sweetheart. You have to do the same." He winked.

"Here you go. It was great meeting you Hunter. And seeing you again, Em. Tell me when you're in town again." He winked and handed me the box.


"He still likes you."

"Huh?" I said looking at Hunter through my eyelashes.


"No way." I said leaving the market carrying 2 big brown bags and Hunter carrying 3 more.

"I'm a guy. I can tell when a guy likes a girl."

"How about when a girl likes a guy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you saying you like me, sweetheart?"

My cheeks reddened so I adjusted the bags to hide me face, "Keep dreaming, Hunter."

"You blushing?" He some how managed to move the bag lower to see my face.

"No. Just hot and tired." I tried covering up.

"Hot? Yes. Tired? I doubt it."

"You think I'm hot?"


My cheeks darkened even more.

"Okay, you must be getting tired. Hand me a bag."

"No Hunt, you've got enough already."

"Don't argue, sweetheart."

He took a bag from me and walked ahead, his muscles showing beneath his shirt.

"You coming, sweetheart?"

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