Extended Epilogue: Chapter 4

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"Mom? Dad?" Hunter's hand rests gently against the small of my back as he moves me into his house.

"Hunter dear, you're home!" His mother appears from the kitchen with a wide smile, "And look at you Em, you're simply glowing."

"Ha. Well, what can I say?" I give a her a smile before I hug her. "My family should be here soon enough. All four of them."

"Well we definitely don't have a small family do we, dear?" June smiles at me and wraps an arm around her husband's wait.

"Son, you're looking good. And you, Emilia, you are looking absolutely radiant." I smile back at John and give him a quick hug, "My son must know what he's doing."

My cheeks instantly redden and when I look over at Hunter, he looks worse.

"Dad." He groans.

"Dad." I hear another voice mocking Hunt and turn to see Jude and Cath enter the sitting room.

"Hey big man. How you doing?" Hunt ruffles Jude's still curly mop of hair.

"Jude has a girlfriend." Cath states with her arms crossed before plonking herself next to me.

Being pregnant makes you tired. Being pregnant and standing is even worse, which is why I often have to sit.

"What?" Four different voices ask at the same time as we all turn to look at Jude.

He's glaring at Cath who has the sneaky smirk of the usual nine year old who possibly just got her brother into trouble.

There's silence for a while until John walks up to his son and high fives him, "I now have no doubt that you are my son!"



"Make it stop!"

I'm staring wide eyed at the family I joined by name and heart. I can't help the smile that creeps onto my face.

"Jude, you've just turned sixteen. Is this what you want?" June stands in front of him like she used to when he was older.

"I really do like her, mom." He shrugs and tries to play it off but there's something in his eyes that reminds me of how Hunter looks at me.

"Just don't do anything dumb please." John gives Jude a slight nudge before wrapping an arm around him in a hug.

"So I can start dating too if this is the reaction in the family?" The sweet father-son moment is abruptly stopped by Cath and all heads turn to her.

"Darling, you're nine." June looks at her daughter slightly horrified.

"But I'm turning ten soon."

I can't help laugh at her and shortly after the rest of the family joins in, even Cath who I think realizes how ridiculous she just sounded and how serious Jude is about his mystery girl.

There's a knock at the door which I get up to answer and find Jade, my dad, Hannah and my mom all greeting me with a smile.

June's behind me and she instantly ushers my family in. Once everyone is sitting comfortably with a drink in their hand and a plate of snacks in their lap, I give Hunt a look which he returns with a nod.

The room's been filled with chatter all along but when Hunter clears his throat and starts to speak everyone keeps quiet and watches him expectantly.

"Em and I brought something we thought you all might want to see..."

"A puppy!" Hannah exclaims with such joy in her eyes.

"Unfortunately not a puppy, little sis, but I've been trying to convince Hunt to adopt one." I run my hand softly over her hair and she smiles up at me.

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