Chapter 44: Do I Love Hunter?

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"Emilia do you mind if I speak to you?" Theo asked after Ivy left.

Hunter was currently inside on the phone speaking to who knows.

"Sure? Is everything okay?" I asked slight worried since Theo hadn't used my nickname.

"Great actually. I've got some news for you... From Juilliard."

"J-Juilliard? As in my dream school Juilliard?" I stared at him.

"That's the one," he laughed. "They asked me to give you this." He took out a letter from his bag and handed it to me. He motioned for me to read it.

I ripped open the letter and my eyes scanned those words faster than they'd ever read anything before. Thinking I had read too fast and misread something, I went back to the beginning and reread the letter.

"They want me to study there. Fully paid scholarship. For a year." I managed to breath out.

Theo nodded, "You read the part about the 'deal'; if I could even call it that."

"Their final decision will be based on my final performance." I repeated the words from the letter.

"Unfortunately, and why they chose me to tell you this I don't know, but they want you to put in more practice hours. They're hoping you'll - you'll -" He closed his eyes for a while before exhaling and looking at me, "They are hoping you will drop out to put in more hours."

I gulped, "They want me to drop out? But I'm not even guaranteed a position with them..."

"I understand. That's why they also told me to tell you that if you do decide to drop out they'll give you a six month internship there. You'll be able to stay another year after that if they choose you."

"Wow." I managed to say.

"Hey, I know it's a lot to process. Just think about it okay?" Theo hugged me and then left.

When I entered the apartment Hunter was still on the phone. Unless he was annoyed with someone else. I could hear the restrained anger in his voice and decided to try calm him down by wrapping my arms around him from behind. Instead of relaxing into the embrace as he usually did he tensed even more.

"Fuck." He mumbled, "No, I'm going back to my girlfriend. Yes, she's with me right now. No dad you can't speak to her. I shouldn't have even mentioned her! Bye!" He ended the call and shoved the phone into his pocket before turning to face me.

"Why are you so angry with your dad?" I whispered after a few minutes of just holding Hunter. "Hunt, is everything okay?"

"Perfect." He grumbled and stormed away.

"Your dad's already met me. You wouldn't need to mention me." The joke was meant to lighten the mood but the way Hunter stopped suddenly or how every muscle in his body contracted, I knew something was wrong.


"Just leave it please, sweetheart."

"We promised we'd trust each other more."

"I know; I just need to calm down before I snap at you for no reason."

I frowned and managed to stand in front of him, "I'll forgive you if you snap, but I think you need to tell me what's happening between you and your dad."

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