Chapter 31: Perhaps Even Kiss

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"I have some good news. There will be one small assignment that you have to complete by next week but after that... You only have to hand in your final assignment which will count as your midterm." Professor Jones announced.

The class didn't erupt into cheers but there were excited murmurs.

"Well don't seem too excited!" The professor silenced the class. "However, your final assignment for this semester is to write a short story with no less than 15 chapters each consisting of approximately 5 000 words. Your novels also have to have a cover and presented as an actual book no later than the last day of the term. Your novel can be dropped off with Mr Maddox who will be helping me assess your final works."

The excited murmur changed into one of anxiety.

I turned to Cass next to me, "I'm going to need your help with this one."

"Me too." She laughed.

We'd both spoken a few times over the phone during the week getting to know each other better. She was really sweet and we discussed ideas for books that we'd never write.

"Now that we are done with that. Can anyone tell me about any work that they've written over the holiday? Perhaps a student that made quite an impression with her first essay?" He looked at me and I gulped. "Yes, Miss Anderson. I am looking at you."

I cleared my throat, "Unfortunately I didn't have any emotion that need to be put down onto paper... or could be."

I looked at Hunter when I added the last part remembering what I told him and he smiled.

"Hmm... Interesting. Did you not write anything at all?"

"Well I... Umm... I ran some ideas past Cassidy for a few books. I could share them if you'd like?"

"No, no. That's alright. I'd much rather read them."

Hunter leaned over to Professor Jones. The small exchange made the professor smile.

"Miss Anderson? Mr Maddox says you write music?"

I glared at Hunter and I could hear people asking how we knew each other and how lucky I was.

"If I must be honest sir, my writing has been slow the last few weeks and the lyrics I wrote need a lot of editing." I could play Hunter's game too, "However, I know Hun - I mean Mr Maddox wrote an entire song with a melody."

The volume of the conversations between the students increased and even Jones looked amused.

"That's truly fascinating. I knew Mr Maddox had to have had some writing experience if he was working with me. But I assumed that a young man, such as himself, wouldn't ever complete work."

I laughed at this and Hunter glared at me.

"There's a lot of things that you wouldn't assume about him." I retorted.

Hunter's stare was daring me to tell his secret but also begging not to go on.

"I'm intrigued. Perhaps you could write about it for your next assignment. Which is - you all better be listening now - writing about a person. It can be a six word story or a million word story. You have as much freedom on this assignment as possible. But I want to hear how they act, laugh, talk, smile... Perhaps even kiss." The professor added looking at me and I blushed. "Mr Maddox, I also want you to do this assignment. I haven't read any of your recent work. You'll write about Miss Anderson and you, Miss Anderson, will write about Mr Maddox. The rest of you can choose anyone else. You may all leave early."

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