40.3K 1.3K 209

I haven't touched this book in a long long time not read it for a while. And now suddenly there's so many people adding it to their reading lists, voting, commenting, following me and most importantly, reading this book!

Like lemme put this into perspective:

• 26 Spetember 2018: 30,3K reads, 1,48K votes, 438 comments and 39 followers

• 22 November 2018: 42,2K reads, 1,89K votes, 503 comments, 51 followers

THEN TODAY...! (Literally overnight)

• 23 Novemeber 2018: 51,6K reads, 2,19K votes, 552 comments, 58 followers


It's all made me super emotional and I can't even begin to thank each and every one of you! Please believe me when I say I am seeing EVERY notification! I scroll through it frequently and I'm trying my best to reply to all of you personally!

Unfortunately, Wattpad has a limit to how many times I can post something to each of you but pleeeeease don't let this discourage you! I am working to reply to all of you.

I was struggling so much with the decision of what to do with this book but you've all made me fall in love with the characters and story again... You've even encouraged me to write again and so ill be able to publish my new (old) book Blind Fate some time this or next month! (Can't wait for the holidays 😂). I'm even considering revising this book, editing and making some changes? What do you guys think of that?

I also really wanna create a playlist for this book so please send in some song suggestions! Ooh and should I create character aesthetics, all of this to be put before the first chapter?

Thank you for helping me to write and all your words of encouragement and the comments that make this book so much better and enjoyable!

Thank you again because I will *never* be able to thank you enough ❤️❤️❤️

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