Chapter 39: You're Not Punching Anyone

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"So class I have some good news." Professor Jones interrupted the chatter amongst the students. "Your short story has been postponed to the end of the year." The class cheered, "However, it will now need to be a novel with no fewer than 20 chapter and each consisting of a minimum of 10 000 words." That got a gasp. "Don't worry, there's an upside to all this. Your piece about a person that should have been handed in today will be graded but you will have a chance to redo it and that will be your midterm."

Cass leaned over to me, "I don't know whether to be excited or nervous. I already started on my book and now I'll have to go back and edit it."

I understood her. Hunter had already read what I had written and he was impressed and gave me areas to improve on and ideas to add.

"I'll meet you some time and we can swop. Add anything on or give ideas." I suggested.

"And grammar! I tend to forget about it when I write really quickly."

I laughed, "Me too."

"Hey you wanna go grab some coffee?" Hunter was leaning over me, his arms on my desk.

"I can't today. Skylar, Ivy and I have our girl's day today."

Hunter nodded, "I remember now. I have some work to catch up on anyway."

I gave Hunter a kiss before he left and then turned to Cass, "You wanna come with?"

"Me?" Her eyes wide in surprise, "But I thought since the other night - "

"Drunk mistake." I shrugged, "I'll give you a second chance since this time you'll be more sober."

She laughed nervously before asking, "Skylar and Ivy won't mind? I mean I got the feeling that they didn't like me that much."

"It's not a problem. After all we're just going to the amusement park. Plus I think having four would be better since we can be in pairs for the rides.

"Thanks Emilia."


"You're inviting grinder?" Ivy asked. She was waiting outside for me to finish my class and Cass was still packing up.

I laughed at the name, "Yes. But I'll be there the whole time so don't stress. She does anything to or with my Hunter again and she'll be gone before she can say supercalafragalisticexpilalidousous."

"That's a long word." Ivy was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Well you gotta give me enough time to give her a good punch and kick her out of school."

"Emilia." Ivy laughed, "You're not punching anyone." She looked at something behind me before saying, "On second thought. Let me punch that bitch."

I turned around to look at the building and saw Cass with her arm resting on Hunter's shoulder. Her eyes were wide and she covered her mouth when she giggled. The noise travelled all the way to where Ivy and I were. Hunter was looking anywhere but her and kept trying to shift his shoulder to get rid of her hand.

"What the fuck is she doing?" Sky interrupted our staring.

"I'm seriously about to cut a - " Ivy started walking towards them.

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