Chapter 24: She's Stunning

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"Please tell me I didn't embarrass myself too much last night, sweetheart?" Hunter's arms tightened around me.

"You passed out before I got anything interesting out of you." I turned to face him.

"Explains the slight headache. You're going to have to drive."

"Hunter." I groaned, "That wasn't part of the deal."

"I think it makes sense." He kissed the top of my nose and I blushed.

"Fine. Just put the address in the GPS and then you can sleep in the car, we have to be out here in..." I leaned over to check the clock and jumped out of bed when I realized how late it was, "Shit. We have to be out here in 10 minutes."

"Okay. Change and then we'll leave."

"Hunter, I can't meet your parents dirty." I looked down at my greasy hair and make up smudged face, I hadn't showered last night so my hair was a mess from the products and I forgot to wash my make up off.

Hunter laughed, "It doesn't matter, you can shower at my house. Just fix the face."

I glared at him, "Wait. I have a plan."

I ran into the bathroom changed, sprayed my hair with dry shampoo, used my make up removal wipes, applied basic make up then a lot of deodorant and even more perfume.

"Woah. That's impressive." Hunter smirked when I stepped outside, he was thankfully already changed and he had packed out bags for us.

"Thanks for the bags." I opened my mine and threw in the last few things from the bathroom and the little toiletries the hotel left for us.

"You're taking those?" Hunter pointed to the miniature shampoo.

"It's free. They put it there for me to use so that's what I'm gonna do."

"You make a good point, now let's go." Hunter grabbed our bags and I locked the door.


"Hunt, I think we're here." I tapped him lightly on his shoulder to wake him up.

"Yeah, this is it." He was wide awake as if he hadn't even slept in the first place.

"Headache?" I asked.


Hunter lived in a house slightly larger than mine with a big front lawn.

"We can get our bags later." He got out the car and knocked on the front door. A young boy opened it and his eyes widened when he saw Hunter.

"Hunter!" He jumped into Hunter's arms and Hunter caught him. I stayed behind them watching the two.

"Hey Jude."

Jude looked over at me and gasped, "She's stunning."

"I know." Hunter whispered back and gently put Jude back down and he ran towards me. My cheeks were still flushed from Hunter's comment.

"I'm Jude." He looked up me for a second and then gave my legs a hug.

I ruffled his hair, "I'm Emilia."

"Hey, you don't usually let people touch your hair." Hunter said looking down at Jude. Jude's hair was completely different compared to Hunter's dark hair. Jude had big, blonde curls and Hunter's was dark and shorter.

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