Chapter 22: You Don't Want To See This

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"Em, wake up. Breakfast is here." Hunter's voice woke me up and I looked around, squinting in the bright room.

"But I didn't order?"

"I know. But I did." He said removing the silver lid from a large platter.

"I don't think I'm that hungry." I laughed, looking at the stacks of crumpets, pancakes and waffles. I started to sit up but flinched when my bruises started aching. Hunter must've seen because he was next to me in an instant.

"Oh, sweetheart." He said trailing his thumb over the cut on my eyebrow. I moved away when he touched me, Hunter frowned, "You okay?"

I didn't mean to move away. I wasn't in pain or anything like that, but I thought back to what Hunter said to me last night. I didn't think I was scared off, I just didn't think Hunter liked me and to be honest, I didn't know how I felt towards him.

"I'm fine, really." I said holding his hand which was still by my face.

"Okay..." He said moving away from the bed to dish up food for me.

The food was brilliant, but I had to pace myself if I was going to fit into my dress.


Dad had arranged for me to have my make up and hair done at the hotel's salon, so after that was done, I headed back to the room to change. My dark hair and naturally lighter streaks fell in thicker locks than my natural hair. My make up was dark, with a tinge of navy blue in the eyeshadow and neutral colored lips.

Hunter stopped me when I entered the room, "You went downstairs in nothing but a gown?"

"How else?" I was teasing Hunter, of course I had a small top and shorts on underneath.

"With something else underneath? Surely someone must've seen you?"

"And if they did?"

Hunter looked at me for a moment then stepped closer, "You're bluffing, sweetheart."

"Why would I?" I also stepped closer, I uncrossed my arms to undo the bow I tied to keep the gown secure.

"I believe you." Hunter turned around as I finished untying the bow.

"You don't want to see this!" I jumped in front of him holding my gown open.

Hunter looked down, shocked, but then laughed when he realized I wasn't naked. I laughed at him and he gently moved me aside.

"Your hair and shit looks nice by the way. Now go get changed."

I blushed, grateful for the make up providing some camouflage for my red cheeks.


The dress I bought was a long dark blue silk dress that hugged all my curves. It had a low cut back that dropped till the small of my back and a halter neckline. Hunter hadn't seen the full outfit yet (just the hair and make up) so when I stepped out with my matching blue heels and clutch, Hunter smirked.

"I feel a little bit underdressed in my tux."

"You look... Handsome." I said straightening his tie.

I'd never seen it before but Hunter Maddox blushed, "Thanks, sweetheart. But you look... I can't think of a word."

"Perhaps the English major could help you," I cleared my through, "Ravishing, dashing - "

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