Chapter 38: We Have All Morning

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"Good morning, sunshine." I jumped on Hunter, straddling his waist.

He was barely awake. He stretches and rubs his eyes to open them, "Morning, sweetheart."

Hunter was one of those guys with the super sexy morning voice and the messy, but some how makes him look even hotter, hair.

"It's your birthday." I whispered.

"Maybe I'll get a present." He turned me so that he was on leaning over me.

"Oh no... I've got a big test tomorrow afternoon and another one to study for. So I'll be studying all afternoon and night."

He dragged his hand down his face and then looked at me with mischievous eyes, "That means we have all morning."

"No can't do. Gotta type the first chapter of my novel today for Professor Jones. He wants a rough in tomorrow."

Hunter looked disappointed, "I'll tell him you were celebrating with me."

"I'm so sorry, Hunt but you know how important this is to me. It's my chance to co-write a book that could be published."

"Yeah, I get it," he slumped onto the other side of his bed, "I just wish you weren't so busy today out of all days."

"I know. And I really am so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you though." I winked and kissed Hunter before leaving to go start my short story.


Soft lips trailed my neck as I typed, "Do you know how hot you look right now?"

I was in my pajamas, with a messy bun, no make up and my glasses and Hunter was calling me hot. I don't know what I did to deserve this man.

I laughed and turned around to see a shirtless Hunter, "You sure do know how to make a woman feel special."

"Anything for my sweetheart." Hunter kissed me.

I mumbled trying to break free of Hunter's kiss, "You're distracting me and I gotta work."

I spun back around to my laptop but Hunter continued kissing me along my neck.

"Fine. Five minutes." I said as I turned back around again to kiss Hunter as he lifted me up and placed me on my desk.


"Ty's taking me and some of the guys out for lunch. You wanna come?" Hunter popped his head into my room.

I looked at him apologetically.

"It's okay, I understand, sweetheart. I'll see you when I come back."

As soon as I heard Hunter leave he apartment, I messaged Sky.

Operation Surprise Party

Come over
Read 13:30

Sky 🦄❤️
Be there soon.

Ivy 🍃❤️
Let's do this 💪🏻


Ivy joined us shorty after Skylar. She was one of Hunter's closest friends. We had met when I went to his parents' house and her and I got along quite well. She also surprisingly recently transferred to the same college as me and Hunt, which meant I spent more time with her. And even Sky liked her, which is why we decided to invite set up Hunter's surprise party. After all, she probably knew him the best.

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