Chapter 15

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I got up and climbed back down and ran to him.
"I'm so sorry." I said hugging him.
"I just sorta threw it and landed there." I told him as I pulled away from the hug.
"What was the hug for?" he asked me
"You just seem like you needed one." I said
"So, what are you guys planting?" I asked, changing the subject
"Um. Corn, carrots, and some other stuff." Carl spoke up
"Nice." I said and Rick turned back around to his work
"We're goin' on a run tomorrow. Do you want to come with us?" Daryl asked
"Who's 'us'?" I asked him
"Rick and I." he told me
"Depends. Where are we going?" I asked
"There's some houses up the road." Rick said as he turned around to face us
"I don't think she should go." Rick added
"Well, she might find somethin' she wants or likes." Daryl said
"And she can obviously handle herself." Daryl added and Rick shook his head no
"Fine. But if something happens to her, it's on you." Rick says
"No if something happens to me, it's on me." I said, correcting them
"Nothin' is gonna happen to ya." Daryl assured me
"I know." I said
"Well, we get up a little after sunup." Rick tells us and I nod my head
I walked into the prison and started taking off my shoes in my cell.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to." Daryl asked, leaning against the doorway
"I wanna go." I told him as he walked towards me
"Jus don't want to force ya ta do somethin you don't want to do." he told me, only a foot away
"You aren't forcing me to do anything."  I reassured him
"Okay." he said and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled back only a couple seconds later and pecked my lips before removing his shoes, too.
He got into the bed and I came in after him.
I snuggled up against his chest, drifting vastly off to sleep for the big day tomorrow.
I wake up to of course Judith crying her eyes out.
I quickly get out of bed and hush her.
"it's alright. Everything is okay." I said to her as she calms down. I sit down on the bed with her in my arms.
"Everything okay?" I look up to see Rick
"Uh, yeah." I say to him
He sits next to me as I play with her tiny hands.
"Can- Can I hold her?" he asks
"Of course!" I tell him and hand her over to him
"i'll be right back." I say and go and make her food.
I screw the top to the bottle on as I walk back to the cell.
I watch from the doorway as Rick plays with his daughter.
"You guys are so adorable." I speak up and he smiles up at me.
I sit back down next to Rick and Judith.
"Do you want to feed her?" I ask him, holding the bottle up to him.
He slowly grabbed the bottle and looked at me.
"C'mon Rick, you know how to feed a baby." I told him
I put my hand on top of the one that was holding the bottle and showed him how to feed her.
"She'll tell you when she's done." I told him as he looked at me again
"This is so embarrassing." he muttered under his breath
"It's okay. I guess it really has been that long for you." I said to him with a smile.
"See. She's done." I told him and he took the bottle out of her mouth.
"Does this even taste good?" he asked and poured some in his mouth.
The look on his face was so funny. I laughed really hard.
He joined in as Judith giggled.
"Well, I mean, if you're that desperate, you wouldn't care about the taste." I told him as Judith started going to sleep.
I got up so that he can lay her down and I walked out of the cell‍, just to bump into sleepy Daryl and almost fall on my back.
Luckily, Rick was behind me and held me back up.
"Phew." I whispered
"Samaira! I panicked when you weren't there!" Daryl exclaimed and pulled into a tight hug
"I'm sorry. It's just that Judith woke up and I had to calm her down before anyone woke up." I told him
"Well, she woke Rick up." he said as he slowly pulled away.
"I've actually been up for a while. I was gonna calm her down, but she beat me to it." Rick said
"To be honest, these beds aren't very comfortable." he added
"agreed." I said
"Well, I think we are all ready, so let me just put my shoes on-"
"We should wait a little while longer. It was Glenn and Maggie's shift last night." Rick said, cutting me off.
"Nice." I said and went into the cell and got my shoes on.
"I'm just going to go out and take a walk." I told them as I walked out the cell
"Okay, just make sure you stay safe." Rick told me
"yeah." I replied and opened the door to hear screaming

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