Chapter 21

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Hey." I said to him and he looked at me and smiled back.
"Can I possibly sit?" he asked, mentioning the tiny seat next to me.
"Yeah, sure." i said and scooted over so that he had enough room to sit down.
"So, what has put you in a good mood?" i asked him as he brushed his finger over Judith's cheek
"I don't know. I just hit me to be happy. I thought about things and figured out that there isn't really to be mad or sad in times like these. Then, I walk into you holding my beautiful daughter and made me even more happier." he told me
"Well, I'm usually happy, just that sometimes people like to make me angry I guess." i told him and he giggled.
"You still look happy when you are angry." he said, looking at me and me looking back at me
"Was that supposed to be sarcastic?" i asked him
"Nah, you really do. You also look cute, to be honest." he told me and I rolled my eyes.
"Hahaha, you are just so funny, aren't you?" i said to him playfully
"Yeah." he said and it got silent as we both looked at Judith
She started mumbling words that we couldn't understand.
"Daddy!" she yelled, pointing at Rick and smiled like a maniac
I giggled at how she was acting and realized that that was her first word.
I looked to Rick who was breath taken.
"You must be her favorite." i told him and just stared at her in shock
"Hey, are you okay?" i asked him and he nodded his head
"As good as I'll ever be." i smiled and he looked at me and smiled
"You should really hold her." i said to him as I put her on his lap.
He cradled her in his arms and his eyes became watery.
"The onion getting to ya?" i asked him
"Y- Yeah. I guess so." he told me and I softly laughed.
I got up and was quickly stopped by Rick.
"Where are you going?" he asked me
"Well, I just thought that you should spend some time with your own kid." i told him
"But, I want to get to know you better, too." he said and I slowly sat back down
"There is plenty of time to get to know me." i said, looking at him
"I know, it's just that you never really know when you will run out of time with a person nowadays." he told me, and I knew he was talking about Lori.
"I- It's okay. I understand." i said to him and he smiled a small smile.
"Thank you." he said to me
"She looks so much like you." i told him after awhile
"Not the eye color." he said to me
"Well, I guess you're right." i said
Then, she started going to sleep.
"Do you got her?" i asked Rick and he nodded as we got up from the stairs.
"Of course.I had to hold and carry Carl." he said
"Ok, ok." i said in defense
I watched him as he walked carefully to the makeshift bed made for her and gently laid her down, covered her with the warmest blanket, and walked quietly out.
"She usually sleeps through anything, unless if it's a full diaper or she's hungry." i told
"Wow." he said in disbelief
"Carl was so sensitive to every sound when he was her age. If there was a tiny tap on the wall, he would immediately wake up. I have to say that at least that we didn't need a dog to secure our house." he said and I giggled, nodded my head
"Hopefully it won't be bad for us." i told him, putting a hand on the top of my stomach and he smiled at me
"It won't be that bad after a couple months." he told me
"That's good to know." I said to him and gave him a small smile
"Um, I should probably go and help with the garden." he told me
"Yeah." i agreed and he walked out
I sat down on the stairs and waited for something to happen.
I ended up laying down on my bed in the cell and falling asleep.
"Sshhhhh! She's sleeping." Daryl half whispered and half yelled, cutting off the other voice
"Go on, then. Let's let her get some sleep." he said and I heard footsteps quietly walking out of the cell
After that, I went back to sleep and woke back up.
I opened my eyes to it being dark.
I got up and walked quietly out, trying not to wake up the sleeping people.
I went out the door, as silent as I can, to get some fresh air.
I walked around the fences, just thinking and wondering if this was all just a dream. If all this will just go away.
I heard a noise behind me, getting really scared because I forgot to bring my knife with me.
I just started walking faster, hoping that I was just hearing things.
"Who's there?" i asked
"Why are you out here?" I stopped to turn around and see Daryl
"I just needed some fresh air." i told him as he came by my side and
"With no one with you? Not even a knife?" he asked, getting mad
"I- I forgot my knife and I- I d- didn't want to wake anyone up." i told him, nervously
"Well, you should have at least woken me up." he said, crossing his arms over his chest
"I'm s- sorry." i said to him and walked away, Daryl running back up to me
"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.I just want to make sure you're always safe. I don't want anythin' happening to you at all." he told me and i stopped walking
"I just sometimes forget that we have to share a world with the undead." i said and he engulfed me into a hug, well as good as it good get
I went back to sleep after what happened last night.
I woke up to a finger brushing my cheek.
I thought it was Daryl, but is actually Carl.
"Wakie, wakie." he told me and I tried biting his finger
"Ah! You almost bit me!" he yelled at me
"Is everything okay in here?" Rick asked and I smiled
"She- She almost bit me!" he told on me
"Carl, you probably deserved it. Sammie, it's not nice to bite people." he told us
"But they get to do it!" i whined as I sat up
"Well, I've tried to tell them, but they won't listen to me." he said, jokingly and Carl and I laughed
"Yeah, if they don't listen, you kill them! Wait, so that means that if we don't listen, then are you going to kill us?" i asked him and he shook his head
"It depends if you're brain dead or not." he explained
"Well then. Carl, can I see your hand?" i asked Carl
"No, way!" he exclaimed and I laughed at him cradling his finger
"Breakfast is ready!" Carol called
"Well, are you coming, or what?" Carl asked
"I guess so." i told him and got up
"We have canned corn, canned carrots, and Rabbit that Daryl found earlier today." Carol explained
I ate corn and carrots, mostly corn. Everyone was getting down and only a few of us were left.
Everyone stared at me as I ate most of the corn.
"Sorry, forgot that there was other people that need to eat." i said to Rick, Carl, Carol, and Daryl.
"It's okay. I think most of us are done anyway." Rick told me
"Are you sure?" i asked
"Yeah." he told me and I shrugged my shoulders as I ate all of the corn, leaving a small amount on my plate because I was too full.
"I'm stuffed. Does anyone want the rest of my corn?" I asked Rick and Daryl because they were the only ones left
"No, thanks. I'm just here for the conversation." he told us and I nodded my head
Daryl handed his plate over to mine.
"Corn, has always been my favorite anyway." he told me and I smiled putting the rest of the corn on his plate and giving it back to him.
"Here, I got the plates." Rick offered when Daryl was done eating
"Thanks." i said to him as he got my plate after Daryl's
"No, problem." he said back to me
"What's happening today?" i asked them
"Well, we were going to go on a few runs, but a few of our people were kidnapped." Daryl stated
"Wait, what?" i said, panicking
"We know, Hershel and Michonne were." Rick stated
"And we are just going to sit here and do nothing? Just wait for them to torture them or- or- or worse?" I asked, eyes getting angry tears
"No, believe me. We want to strike back, but they also want us to me gone. There are children there who didn't do anything to us. We just don't want-" Rick said getting cut off by Maggie bursting through the door
"Rick! He's here!" she yelled
Rick and Daryl rushed out the door, me going as fast as I can.
"Ah! Rick!" I heard the man say
I rolled my eyes.
"I predict a death." i told myself
"Hopefully not." Tyreese said next to me
"Well, you see. This guy looks like someone from the movies, so I predict that one will make it out alive because everyone will go to war after the one dies." I told him
"He has Michonne's sword. He'll probably cut of the head, like she does." I continued
"Then, we are going to have to use those school buses to transport everyone out, but I will remain here, making sure that there was no one else here." I said
"No, don't do that." he told me
"Well, where else am, I going to go?" i asked him
"You'll go wherever the wind takes ya." he told me and I smiled
"No!" Maggie screamed and I looked at what had happened
"That butt wipe!" i yelled
"Aaah!" Rick yelled and started shooting them
"Go! Get somewhere safe!" Tyreese yelled to me as I pick up a gun
"No!" i said and shot three people off the tank
I walked around, gun up, shooting anyone that might have deemed as a threat, coming closer
"Sammie! Get out of here!" Carol yelled and Carl did the same, but I just kept shooting
I saw the Governor and Rick in a fight.
I shot right past him, hoping to scare him off. Instead, he looked at me and I quickly ducked behind something solid.
I checked to if he remained looking at me but he went back to Rick
I shot one more time, seeing that the bullet went right against his skin and past.
I did a silent victory in my head as Rick kicked him and made him pass out.
I saw a way to the woods, so that I can safely wait there until we actually start to leave.
I ran to the woods, making sure that no one was watching me.
I waited there for about an hour and then saw Maggie running my way.
"Maggie." i said, getting off of the tree stump I was sitting on
"I- I saw you running this way. I knew that you would wait for someone to go with, so I decided to join you." she told me and looked back
"Oh, god, I hope Glenn is on that bus." i said, seeing that the bus was already gone
"Yeah, me, too." she said
"Um, I don't know where the others are, but I think we are going to be the only ones." she said and I smiled
"Okay, yeah, let's go." i said and we started off.

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