Chapter 17

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"I guess I will tell you what has happened so far." he continued
He told me about Glenn and Maggie being kidnapped, getting them back from this Governor who doesn't sound very nice, but what really got to me was that Daryl found his brother and decided to leave us to go with him.
Many tears had fallen from me and Rick told me about this letter he wrote for me before he left.
"can you raised your first only if it's a little?" he asked me and I raised it, I'm not sure how much I raised it but I could tell he smiled when I did.
"Okay. Raise your finger again if you want to read it yourself when you wake up." he told me and I thought about it for a minute.
I wanted to be able to read it did myself, in privacy.
I raised my finger.
"Okay, then. Later it is." he told me and put his hand over mine.They're back!" someone shouted and Rick immediately got up
"Oh god! Close the cell doors!" I heard someone shout.
Then, I heard the moaning.
My cell door closed and something was put into my arm.
"It looks like they've got it." Rick told me, continuing to put air into my lungs as the I.V. ran through veins.
"What's in the I.V. should get you better." he said
"I know that hearing about Daryl like this is probably the wrong way, but I didn't want to have to tell you when you wake up. I just-" I heard a walker growl, trying to get in.
Rick grunted as he stabbed it in brain and sit back down.
"I just needed to get it off my chest." he sighed.
The medicine was working fast for me and in a hour, I felt amazingly better.
Rick was still there, talking to me and waiting for me to get out of the coma.
It was around thirty minutes and I was able to move my arms
I moved my eyes around as my eyelids were still closed and all of my muscles sorta just loosened.
"Sammie?" he asked and I just couldn't form any words. Like they were all just lost.
"I can move." I said after words came back to me
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rick leaning over the bed, one arm at each of my sides.
"I was wondering when I would be able to see your beautiful eyes again." he said and kissed my forehead.
I sat up and looked around.
"We are in the building next to the one we usually are in. There was some kind of illness and anyone who was in here had the risk of getting it." he explained and I nodded my head.
"I didn't know there was other people here." I told him
"um, yeah. We took them in after their camp was destroyed by us. Carl's friend was the first to  have the illness and killed him." he told me
"I'm so thirsty." I said, sticking out my tongue.
He lightly laughed.
"Here. It's mine, but I don't think you have your own." he said, handing me the bottle
"Well. I'm so thirsty, I don't care about the cooties." I said and made him laugh
I chugged down the whole bottle and watched him watch me.
"Ah. That was some good tasting water. I hope you didn't backwash." I told him, making a disgusted face.
"Was I supposed to tell you that before you drink it all? Well, I guess it's too late." he told me and my face dropped.
"I just drank spit!" I said dramatically.
"Haha. Do you really think I would do that to you?" he asked
"Well...maybe..." I said and he put his hand in top of mine.
"Did you want to read that letter?" he asked after I looked down at his hand and back up to his face
"Uh, sure." I said and he pulled the letter out of his pocket.
"Here." he said as he slowly have it to me.
The worst thing that could happen is that he breaks up with me.
I unfolded it, read one line, and I just couldn't bare to read the rest.
I looked away from the note to the wall and let a tear slip.
"Hey, what's the matter? What did it say?" he asked me, rubbing my back
"He can't be in a relationship yet. It's much right now. He just found his brother and thinks that I might get in the way of being happy." I told him, looking down, watching tears drift down my cheeks and onto my lap.
"Oh." he said and pulled me into a big hug.
"It's okay. You can let it out." he told me.
I let the remaining tears out and soaked the shoulder of his shirt.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologized and looked away
"It's fine. Hey, look at me." he told me and I turned towards him again
"It's fine." he said looking between both of my eyes and started leaning in.
We heard running footsteps and pulled away, pretending nothing happened.
"You're up!" Carl yelled and ran up to me, making me lay down with on top of me
"I've missed you so much!" he told me as we stood back up.
I got up off the bed and Rick stander up from the seat he sitter on.
"Group hug?" he asked, holding out both of his arms.
Carl and I looked at each other and and smiled.
We attacked him with a hug, almost making him fall back.
I felt his hand on my side and go up and down.
"I've missed you both so much!" I told them
"I'm going to go out and calm myself down. I'm so happy and excited!" he said before running out the door.
I chuckled at him, hearing him scream "Yeah!" all the way out the door
"Uh...So, I'm assuming you heard everything I said to you when you were gone." he said, as I turned my attention back towards him
"Um, y-eah. I d-did." I stuttered
"Well, I just want you to know that you don't have to like me back. I understand that it might be too soon for you, because of Daryl n all." he told me and I nodded my head
"Thank you, Rick. I mean it. You have really been there for me a lot lately and I thank you for it." I said as he stood by the doorway, ready to leave
"I will always be here for you, relationship or not." he told me and walked away.

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