Chapter 20

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I walked out the cell and saw Daryl, Rick, Carl, Carol, Maggie, and Glenn.
I found bread and took three pieces, shoving one full one in my mouth.
I found some Tylenol and gave them two each, besides Carl.
"thank you." they said to me one by one.
"I guess I'll take care of Judith today. Oh, and I don't want any of you men working out in the sun today." I said with a full mouth.
I kissed Daryl on the top of his head, hugged Rick who was beside him, and Maggie who was across from Rick.
"Where is she?" I asked them, finally swallowing the bread
"She's still sleeping." Maggie said, looking up at me
"Oh, okay then." I said
"You can help us with the garden." Carl suggested
"Hey! That's a great idea!" I exclaimed
"No, it isn't." he said and looked at my belly to me
"hey! I can still do work aroun' here!" I told him as I said next to Glenn, in front of Daryl
"Woah! That's ma girl!" Daryl said reaching over the table, giving me a high five.
"Wait." Glenn said and turned to me and lightly poked my stomach
"Wow." he gasped
"This isn't weird at all." I said as he put his ear up again my stomach
"I've never heard this before." he said to himself
"Okay you can get your hands off my girlfriend now." Daryl said angrily and he immediately backed off
I stood up and went to Daryl.
I put my arm around him.
"everything is okay. It's going to be okay, Daryl." I babied him
"You have to promise me one thing." I said bending down by his side to look at him.
"Oh, really? What's that?" he asked rolling his eyes
"You have to stop being grumpy all the time." I told him and he smiled
"And you have to stop being cute all the time." he told me and pecked my lips
"You two are so adorable." Carol said
I walked over to her.
"Thank you, Carol." I said as I hugged her
"What's gotten into you lately?" Ricked asked and I went over to him and sat on his knee.
"You know what has gotten into me." I whispered him and giggled
I got up and went back to Daryl and sat sideways on his lap.
"I don' think you should be hugging other guys." he told me
"Why? Is Daryl jealous?" I asked and dramatically gasped
"Well, you're mine." he said, putting his big hand over my growing belly. I pecked his lips and got off.
"We got work to do." said before jogging to my cell and sitting on the edge of the bed to put on my shoes
"Are you sure you are okay?" Daryl asked me, leaving against the doorway
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, putting my last shoe on and standing up.
"You just seem a little...different." he told me and I shook my head
"I'm fine." I assured him
"Okay." he said and threw his hand up in defense
I kissed his cheek and brushed against him going out the door.
"Okay, Rick. Do what are we doin' today?" I asked him as we walked to the garden outside
"Um, we are going to have you pick some of the vegetables that are ready and water them, too. Carol is going to do the weeds. Carl and I are going to check the progress and see if any plants need to be put up." he told me and I nodded my head
"and then, when I'm done, I can help Carol with the weeds." I told him and he shook his head no
"No, by then the sun should be shining down and you didn't want us working in it today, right?" he said
"Right." I sighed as we finally made it
I had gotten a basket and filled half of it with tomatoes, corn, and small carrots.
I put it down and got the water can and watered everything.
By then, it was getting really hot out.
I saw Rick full of sweat and went over with the half full watering can.
I silently went behind him as Carl watched me.
I poured some of it in his head, soaking most of his shirt.
"That felt good." he said and I giggled.
"me next!" Carl said and kneeled down beside Rick
I poured the rest of the can on Carl and he gasped when the cold water hit his head
"That feels so good!" he exclaimed
I giggled and walked off to Daryl, who was sitting in his motorcycle, getting ready to go in on a run.
"Where are you going to?" I asked him
"Do the houses we were suppose ta go to the other day." he told me
"And we still can." I said
"she has a point." a voice said behind me after a long staring contest
I turned around to see Rick
"fine then." he said, getting off
"Which car are we takin'?" he asked
"let me get the keys." Rick told us and went and got them
"You're ridin' in the backseat." he told me as Rick got in the driver's seat.
"Okay..." I said and got in
"I'm thirsty." I said out loud.
" 'ere." Daryl said, handing me his water bottle.
I took a few sips and gave it back to him.
I put my legs across the whole backseat and leaned against the door.
"I'm bored." I said
"Why don't you look at the beautiful scenery outside." Daryl told me
"Yeah. Sure. I guess we can call it scenery." I said sarcastically, looking at a walker eating someone on the ground.
"C-can you pull over for a minute?" I asked, feeling a wave of nausea
The car came to a stop and I quickly opened the door.
It came out quickly, but felt better.
"Okay, we're good." I said, getting into the car and closing it.
They both stayed in the car when I got out.
"Are you sure you are okay?" Daryl asked me, still looking forward.
"Yeah. It's only temporarily." I told him and he nodded his head
"Where's Rick?" I asked, realizing he wasn't there.
"I'm right here." I heard Rick say, I looked around and he was sitting next to me
Then, Daryl disappeared.
"What's going on?" I asked
He only leaned forward and kissed me
"I love you." he said, I just sat there in shock, looking at him
"now...Wake up!" he yelled
I felt someone shaking me and telling me to wake up.
I gasped as I quickly sat up, I looked around.
"Where- Where's Daryl?" I asked Rick, who was the one waking me up.
"He started going through a house. He told me to stay here and wake you up." he explained
"Oh." I said and Rick backed up to let me out of the car.
"Did I throw up?" I asked him after a few minutes
"No. You fell asleep after Daryl gave you some of his water." he told me
"Good to know." I said
"What exactly were you dreaming about?" he asked me
"Oh, uh...N-nothing." I said
"It seemed to shock you." he said and I have him a confused look
He bent down to whisper in my ear
"You looked so peaceful sleeping, I had to watch. I started talking to myself." he told me and I just shrugged it off.
The rest of the walk to Daryl was complete silence.
*Flashback Rick's POV*
I watched her as she slept, sprawled out on the back seat.
I decided to talk to myself, to her.
"where's Rick?" she mumbled
"I'm right here." I said brushing my finger in her cheek.
She mumbled something else, but I couldn't hear it.
"I love you." I told her
I leaned in and kissed her exposed lips.
"Now...Wake up!" I said and she immediately woke up.
I hope she wasn't up at all.
"where's Daryl?" she asked and I smiled inside, she wasn't up before.
**End of flashback, now Sammie's POV**
I looked up at Rick who was looking straight ahead.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Y-yeah." he said, looking down then back up
I nodded my head and found Daryl sitting on a porch.
"hey." he said, standing and kissing me on the cheek.
"I cleared the other houses, just waitin' for you for this one." he told us
"Here." Rick said and handed me the knife he gave me.
"Thanks." I said to him and Daryl slowly opened the door
"Ladies first." I said to Daryl as I pushed him back
They followed me inside and closed the door
"C'mon out bull crap!" I shouted and Daryl walked in front of me, crossbow raised
Three of them walked out and Daryl shot one, me stabbing the other one.
"Are you okay?" Rick asked me as I went into the living room to clear it.
Daryl went upstairs and had Rick stay down here with me
"never been better." I told him
"How far along are you?" he asked
"I'm in my third month." I told him and he nodded his head
I saw a picture of the family that lived here.
I smiled at how happy they looked.
I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me.
"What ya lookin' at, baby?" Daryl asked me as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
"Look at how happy they were ." I said showing him the picture.
"Hmmm. Think 'bout the behind the scenes of that." he said and I chuckled
"That's true." I told him and I turned around, still in his grasp.
I pecked his lips and leaned my forehead against his.
"It's so big." he said, putting his hand on my stomach.
"Yeah. Takes up most of the space between us." I told him
"Nothing can get in my way to you." he said and gave me a quick kiss.
"Is the upstairs cleared?" I asked him
"yeah, but there wasn't anything good, really." he told me and we walked into the kitchen where Rick was.
"I found." he said as he put lots of baby formula tins on the counter.
"That's.." I said counting
"12 of 'em" I told them
"Well, we should hurry up, it's almost sundown." Daryl told us and Rick quickly fit as many of the tins in his backpack.
"Okay, the one won't fit, so we are going to have to leave it here." I nodded my head as he put it on his back and we went back to the car.
The drive back was silent, I didn't sleep because of that dream I had before.
"what do you think about for boy names?" I asked mostly Daryl
"I was thinkin' Tyler." Daryl said
"Not bad. I was thinking about Liam." I said and gasped
"Or maybe Carl!" I exclaimed and Rick chuckled
"For a girl name, maybe Lilly." he said
"I was thinking that, too." I told him and smiled
When we got back, they unloaded the car and walked back in.
                   5 months later
It has been so long since that car ride, thinking about baby names.
I have to say, Daryl and I have been becoming closer since then.
The crops are almost fully done and it's almost the beginning of fall.
My stomach has increased a lot. I can hardly hug anyone, and I can tell it gets on Carl's nerves.
Hershel has just checked up on the baby and I am now almost done with my sixth month.
Rick and Carl have felt really uneasy as I am almost close to the end.
They are always around me and heard a conversation between them about me.
The conversation
I heard crying from a cell and decided to see was wrong.
I looked through a creak and saw Rick talking to Carl who was crying.
"I-I j-just don't want to lose her, too." Carl said, crying on Rick's shoulder.
"I promise. You aren't going to lose her. I know how much she means to you." he assured
"She's like a mom to me." Carl told him
"I know. I she's going to be a good mom, too, when she has her baby." he said to him and then I realized they were talking about me
Back to present
"Hey." I turned around to see Daryl
"Hey." I said back to him
"What are you doing out here?" he asked me, standing at my side and wrapping an arm around me the best he could.
"It just got too chaotic in there. Just needed some air." I told him
"There's something that's been botherin' you lately." he stated
I looked into his eyes and smiled
"Nope. I'm a very happy person at the moment." I said to him, still smiling
"No. C'mon. I know somethin's up." my smile faded and I looked down at the ground, instead of looking at him
"It's just that Rick...Carl..." I couldn't get my words together.
"You can tell me." he said
"They have been really close to me lately, like in a protective way." I told him
"But that's not the real reason, is it?" he asked and I shook my head
I told him about the conversation I heard between them.
"So...I just don't want to disappoint them, or anybody really." I concluded
"You aren't gonna disappoint nobody." he told me, looking into my eyes
"All that matters to me is that I get both of my girls." he said
"Girls?" I asked him
"Yeah. I have a feelin' it's a girl." he told me and I giggled.
He put a hand on my stomach, and we both felt a kick.
He looked me wide eyed as i giggled.
"How- how far are you?" he asked me
"I'm on my third trimester and just finishing up 38 weeks. The kicking is normal, the baby itself is all fine. We are all fine." I assured him
"Didn't you listen to anything Hershel said?" I asked
"Well I think I over thought it, then I got distracted. I'm so mad at myself for forgetting-" I cut him off with a kiss.
"There is no need to be sorry. I remember everything." I assured him
"I wish I just remembered it." he told me
"It's fine. We only have two to four more weeks left!" I told him, getting excited and making him smile
"Can one of you help us with the garden? Or maybe both?" Carol shouted from down the garden.
"I'll go." I told Daryl and started walking before he grabbed my wrist.
"What? No. I'm going. You definitely need to rest." he told me and started walking.
I crossed my arms over my chest and went inside.
"Hey. Can you watch Judith for a bit?" Beth asked me as soon as I walked in
"Um, sure." I said to her and she handed me the baby and the towel for her.
I saw the look on Tyreese's face when he saw me, a big belly and holding a baby.
"Do you need any help?" he asked, walking over to me
"No, thanks. I'm good." i told him, looking down at her
"When I first saw you holding Judith, I could see you as a mom." he told me, I looked up to him
"It wasn't going to take me by surprise if you were going to have a baby. I knew you would be great at taking care of it." he continued and I smiled
"Thank you." I told him and looked back down at her
"The only thing that took me by surprise, was how you changed everyone here." he said
"What do you mean?" i asked
"Rick, he was going off the rails when he found out about his wife. Daryl, he was just so kept back from the group, he would hunt by himself, and when he brought you back, I saw the love in his eyes for you.. Carl, he found somebody to be able to talk to and be one of his best friends. Glenn and Maggie or the ones who really remained the same. They were always the ones that are always nice to everyone no matter what. I think you also very strong. I think you might be the strongest girl here." he said, as I looked up at him
"So what were they like before?" i asked
"Well, Rick was so mad and internally in pain. You were here, just outside when we came. He was threatening to kill us the day we got here. We thought that maybe this group wouldn't be so bad... After a couple of weeks, we found new people from another camp and put them in the prison buildin' next to us. We wanted to make sure everyone would be safe if they tried to strike at us. Then, the outbreak happened with the illness and I saw how terrified Rick was when he saw Daryl carrying you in. That's when I realized you were the only one, besides Carl and Judith, that was keeping him going. Keeping him stable. Daryl, on the other hand, he would always keep to himself, not wanting to talk to anybody about anything. I saw how Carol was warming up next him, I knew that he didn't like it at all. That's when I figured out that you and Daryl were together and that Carol was trying to take him. I noticed your baby on month one."
He told me
I sat down on the stairs and watched as he walked out the door, going to help the rest of the group.
I looked at Judith. She was just so adorable, looking mostly like her father.
Are they trying to say that I like like Rick?
I shrugged it off and examined at what she was trying to do.
Just then, a happy looking Rick come in.

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