you mean a lot to me

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As the title says, you mean a lot to me. Clearly you just read that but, you really do. I wish I could show you that but I am very limited on resources.

You stayed with me through a lot and I can't understand why you did that. Because I know if I were in your shoes last year, holy fuck I would have blocked you.

Why did you do that?

Why did you put yourself through that?

The part that confuses me the most, you never said anything hurtful back.

You're a really good person, you don't deserve to die young. You deserve a happy fulfilling life. I want you to believe in that.

Believe in yourself. It's hard. Just..get comfortable in your skin. You're beautiful.

If anything you were beautifully hand crafted by the gods themselves, even if you don't know that.

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