You've changed...

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We both stared at each other in shock. We couldn't believe what we were both seeing. The guy I loved so much who left me years ago is now face to face with me. The girl behind Tae noticed the awkwardness between us and decided to leave.

"Umm...I think I'll be going now. Bye V!"

He came back to his senses and he spoke to the girl in a surprisingly hot, seductive voice. "Alright baby, see you tomorrow ok?" he said then blew her a kiss. Who the hell is this guy?!

The girl left and we both just stood there again, not knowing what to say to each other. I looked at him straight into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes as I tried desperately to say something, anything.

"Okay so...I know th-this must be really was for me too! But I want you to kn-" he stopped me mid-sentence when he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, as if he never wanted to let go. I was totally caught off guard. Without thinking about it too much I quickly hugged him back as I breathed in his scent, something that I missed for years. The last time we hugged was right before he left....when I thought I'd never see him again. Suddenly I felt tears falling on my shoulder, he was crying.

Now I know, I wasn't the only that missed how good this used to feel. "You have no idea how much I missed you," he whispered into my ear, which made my breath hitch a little. His voice sounded husky.

He let go of me and wiped his tears. He then walked inside past me leaving me behind, still shocked from what just happened. He tapped the door and grinned at me when I turned around. "You coming inside or not?" Yep, that's Tae. You never know what to expect. I just shook my head and went back inside.

He went into the kitchen and got a bag of chips then brought it for us to eat. He tossed it to me, then sprawled out next to me on the couch. "Right, now start talking princess. Why are you here?" I looked at him surprised. Why was he suddenly so calm? Wasn't he the one just crying and hugging onto me?

"Who are you calling princess you hot mess?"

"Hot mess?" he asked with a smirk.

"Umm...not that you are or anything. I mean you'd be more sexy than hot..." he only looked at me more amused. "Wait no-" he cut me off when he started laughing.

"Heh, don't worry about it. Now, answer my question"

I sighed, "Well if your mom so happened to mention a new foster that's gonna be staying with you guys, that's me." He was shocked, I don't blame him, I reacted almost the same way. "I met your mom and little brother already. Your mom was really excited and said she was expecting me fo-"

"Woah woah, hold up! My mom knew about this and didn't tell me it was you?" He started pacing around the room. "Oh this is bad."

"Why? It's not like she knew we were friends before."

He tapped me on my forehead. "Oh silly Kati. Don't you remember her when she took me from the orphanage?"

I rubbed my forehead, "Oh right...So it was her who made you stop talking to me too?"


"So then why bring me here now?" I asked while munching on some chips.

"That's what I can't figure out." He sat up and reached for the remote. "I'm telling you, stay away from her. She's evil."

"Evil? Your mom?" He was kidding right? "From the way she sounded talking to me, I thought she'd never hurt a fly."

He burst out laughing. "Trust me, you don't know. Just stay away from her, she's not what she seems."

I was still confused as to what he meant but I just decided to agree with him on it. I looked at him as he was focused on the tv. "You know, you've changed a lot. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Really? But I recognized you. You still look like a dog face."

"Hey! I'm not a dog face, alien head!" I punched him in the arm and he started laughing. I fell back against the couch as we were both watching the show.

Out of the blue he spoke. "I'm kidding, I barely recognised you too. You aged beautfiully."

My heart warmed hearing those words, because it came from him.

"Thanks I guess," I uttered trying to hide my smile.

I yawned loudly as I stretched my arms and started to relax on the couch. He leaned back and wrapped his arm around me and leaned in close to my ear. "Let's sleep. I'm tired" he whispered as he leaned his face into the crook of my neck, his breathed giving me goosebumps. I flied off the couch and watched him like a mad man.

"What the hell do you think you're d-doing?!"

He cocked his head to the side while giving me an innocent look. "What's wrong? Don't want to sleep on the couch?" He got up and came towards me. He pulled me forward and looked at my face. He had a smirk plastered on his face. 'This fucker knows exactly what he's doing.'

"Why don't we go to my room then?" He lifted me up and started heading upstairs.

"H-hey! W-what...p-put me down!"

"What? We're going to sleep" he smirked at me and I'm pretty sure I saw his tongue dart out of his mouth. Oh boy...

He opened his bedroom door and threw my struggling form on the bed. He then quickly locked the door and came back to the bed.

"Taehyung if you d-dare touch me" I threw one of his pillows at him which he quickly caught. He hovered over me pinning me down with it while bringing his face dangerously close to mines. Oh my god, since when was he this handsome! I caught him staring at my mouth as he licked his lips.

"S-stop! W-hat are y-you...." he leaned in and I closed my eyes tightly thinking he was about to kiss me, only to get a face full of pillow. "Stop what?" he asked. He got off of me and I heard the door open and close back. When I took the pillow off my face, he was gone. You've got to be kidding me.

"W-what...Oh my god! You asshole!" I said as I threw the pillow on the floor.

"Hey! I heard that!" he yelled from the other side of the door. He then opened the door and I saw him laughing his ass off outside. "You should've seen your face! Since when were you such a desperate bitch?"

"Wow, since when did you learn such fancy words?"

He grinned at me. "My english has gotten much better right? B-but what h-happened to you?" he mocked me as he laughed.

"Very funny."

"Oh thank you, thank you" he said as he bowed in front of a fake audience.

"My god! What happened to the Tae who was crying outside an hour ago?"

"Oh him, he's gone. Now you're looking at V!" he grinned while pointing at himself. Oh please!

"Now, go sleep. Goodnight dog face!"

"Hhmm...goodnight alien head!" I rebutted.

He shut the door and left me in his room. I covered under his sheets as I tried to get some sleep. Wow...just yesterday I was living like a prisoner with Ms. Casey, now I'm at Miss Harley's tucked into my ex best friend's bed. Who would've imagined right? I just hope here won't be as miserable as Miss C's.

I couldn't help but think about what just happened. I am SOO gonna get him back for that! I'm really glad nothing happened between us...

Yet, some part of me kind of wished something did happen.

*sighs* I really hope I'm not falling for this idiot again.

Tomorrow's another day. New home, old best friend...let's see what happens.

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