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I watched him as he skated away from me. Can't believe that jerk had the nerve to push me away from him and totally ignore me after I helped him. If I wasn't new, I would've totally made him regret that......but I can't help but wonder about him.

"Hey, you done staring? We're late for class." Tae said handing me my bag.

I snapped out of my thoughts "Oh yeah. Can you show me where Accounts is?"

"Don't worry about it. We're in the same...what happened to your knee?" his eyes widened as he focused on it.

I looked down at my knees through my ripped jeans. I looked closer and noticed a deep bruise on one of them. Great, I got hurt on the first day. Suddenly the pain hit me and my knee buckled causing me to fall back down. Tae quickly got ahold of my injured leg and started examining it.

"Shit, this looks bad. I think we should go to the nurse."

"No, leave me alone. I-I'm fine!" I pushed him off me and got up to walk away, but my knee buckled again. I waited for my body to hit the floor, but Tae swifly caught me before I did.

He laughed, "Alright hot shot, I won't take you to the nurse." He rest me on the ground against the lockers. He started cleaning my knee and although it hurt like hell, his gentle touch was distracting me. He wrapped my knee with his handkerchief and carefully helped me back on my feet.

"I guess I'll have to carry you to class after all." Before I could even process his words he lifted me into his arms and started walking to class.

"H-hey! Put me down! I only agreed to this because of Ms. Jenny, you d-"

"Shut up, you're hurt" he calmly replied. I couldn't think of a response to that, I just held onto him tightly as he walked away from the lockers. People couldn't help but notice us as we passed all the classes, especially the girls. Seems Tae's really popular with girls. A few of them were glaring at me and some totally in shock. I only held on tighter as I watched their reactions.

"Look, its V!"

"Who is that girl with him?"

"Omg! They look so adorable!"

"Lucky bitch"

...I could've gone without hearing that one, but honestly I didn't care. I couldn't describe how happy I felt in that moment, it was almost impossible to hide it. We entered the class and everyone's eyes were fixated on Tae, carrying me in his arms. I got a lot of glares from the girls, no surprise there.

"Ah, late again," The teacher said as he sat up from his chair. He cleared his throat. "Who's your friend?" he stared at my form in Tae's arms.

"Oh, she's my sister Katrina. She's starting from today." I looked at Tae like a madwoman.

Really? Sister? You couldn't have said cousin, or neighbor, or I don't know... SOMETHING ELSE!?

Everyone in the class were whispering among each other and looking at the two of us.

"Taehyung, since when did you have a sister?" The teacher looked at us confused as hell. "And why are you holding-"

"Mr. C I'd LOVE to answer your million questions right now, but can I PLEASE put her down before my arms fall off?" He lifted me slightly indicating I was still in his arms.

"Fine. She can take the empty seat next to-" Without any hesitation, Tae rushed towards an empty at the back and gently plopped me down on one of them. As he went over to his seat all the girls were squealing and trying to get his attention. Yeahh this isn't going to get annoying at all. He sat down and tossed his bag aside laying back on his chair, I'd be surprised if he even has any books in there. The teacher shrugged and continued on with his lesson

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