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Kati's POV

Ever so slowly my eyelids fluttered open, revealing me to a place. A place I hadn't seen........in a long time. I was surrounded by darkness. The only thing allowing my now readjusted vision to focus, was a dim light centered above me. I knew this place all too well. But what I couldn't understand...

'Why was I here?'

I nearly jumped out of my skin when my ears caught a sound that sent shivers down my spine. I slowly turnt my head towards that retched, horrifying sound....................

I shouldn't have.

My head snapped back to its original position when a strong force collided with the side of my face. It wasn't a ball, it wasn't a fist.........it was nothing.

"Don't you dare!" a mysterious voice echoed out of no where.

That voice...............Oh no.

My heart raced as I heard heavy footsteps approaching. Numbness overtook my body, I was suddenly incapable of moving a single muscle.

My mind....... it's holding me back.

I fought with myself the closer it came.

'Why can't I move?'

I shut my eyes tightly, praying to come back to reality soon. The steps then halted, and my mind had shut down. Not a single thought or emotion ran through me at that moment.......................except for one.

My breathing stopped when I sensed its presence. It was staring straight at me, knowing that I couldn't do the same.

"Back so soon I see.." it said, letting out a deep chuckle.

I felt it move even closer, directly in front of me.

"This is how you welcome me after so long?"

Its breath now fanned my face, giving me goosebumps and causing the hairs on my body to raise.

"Come on now, you know you want to."

It's almost lifeless hand caressed my arm, slowly ascending to my collarbone then to my cheek. I flinched at it's icy cold touch. The sharp edges of its nails dug into the side of my face, pulling my cheek downward. I hissed at the harsh burning sensation it left on my skin. I knew what it was trying to do.

"Why don't you open up those pretty eyes for me?"

I gulped nervously before taking the chance of speaking.

"Because..... because I know you would never give me the chance to be free, you never did.......I-if I open these eyes, all I'll see is everything that kills me, makes me afraid, makes me....... weak."

It laughed, laughed as if it was a powerful leader, bringing terror to it's people. Having control over them, or me in fact.

"I wasn't giving you a choice."

All control over the last of my senses were gone, and my eyes instantly gaped open on their own. As I expected, I couldn't see its face. I never saw it before........and Im starting to think I never will. It stood tall, and right behind it, was the tortures that awaited me.

Its them.

There they all were. Everything I had ever feared of facing and accepting, everything I had ever run away from, everything that made my life a complete hell. Their faceless forms were all trained directly to me, knowing what they had to do.

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