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~Flashback~ (One year ago)

As the wagon came to a stop at yet another unknown house in this strange neighborhood, I couldn't help but have last minute doubts as I thought of having to live through another one of these nights.

Taking in the wild atmosphere, the explicit music being blasted loud enough to deafen anyone in its range, the sight of skimpily dressed teens being completely scandalous and not giving a fuck, I definitely wasn't up for this. "Anne, I don't know if we should.."

"Oh don't you dare start acting like a buzzkill now. C'mon, let's go!" She said practically dragging me towards my doom. I simply just let her, it's not like I had a choice

We stopped at the front door, Anne feeling the need to alert the host that we were here. Though I'm pretty sure that any and everyone were here whether invited or not.

I soon felt really self conscious as I noticed everyone looking at us. I tugged at the hem of my velvet red dress which Anne had lent me, now realizing how short and tight it actually was.

"Yo Jackson!" She tried yelling over the loud music, but to no avail. She cursed under her breath before pulling me further inside with her.

"Jackson! We're-ah where the hell is that jackass?" she grunted clearly becoming annoyed.

"Right here bitch!" A guy who I assumed to be Jackson carelessly trotted over to us.

"Great, Jackson this is my friend Katrina" she motioned to me before turning back to him.

"Katrina, meet the insane party man himself, Jackson Wang." She said as Jackson displayed a quite smug smile on his face.

"Uh...nice to meet you" I greeted shaking his outstretched hand. He's actually really handsome, and he seems pretty cool I guess, but I wasn't interested.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine" he eyed me from head to toe, his tongue flicking over his bottom lip.

Oh hell no pretty boy, keep that tongue where it belongs before I cut it off.

He made a bold move flinging his arms over our shoulders as he led us to another room. Now this was where the real party was. Bright neon lights illuminated the room accompanied by the scene of people getting wasted and having a good time. The atmosphere was almost that of a small night club. We passed the DJ as I looked towards the dance floor. Sweaty strangers grinding against each other, making out and doing lord knows what else.

"Boys, fix these special ladies up with a couple of drinks." He shouted and in no time we were seated at the bar with a variety of drinks set in front of us. Different names I've never even heard before were flashed before my eyes, and they were definitely impressionable.

"Here you are girls, enjoy" the bartender smirked handing us both drinks.

Anne almost instantly grabbed the glass from his grip and gulped it down. Setting it back on the table she quickly ordered for another, while the guy simply shook his head at her unwavering self. She looked over at me and spoke with a heavy throat.

"Aren't you gonna drink that?" she asked immediately passing a groggy burp after.

"Yeah yeah, I will" I said inspecting the contents of my glass, it's strong smell already making me feel hazy.

I've been to many parties before with Anne, and narrowly avoided drinking alcohol at any of them. How am I supposed to tell her that I never once in my live had gotten drunk before?

I suddenly remembered a promise I made when I was younger, a promise I made with Tae actually. We promised each other the first time we drank would be together, and I wanted to keep it.

But what sense would it make if I'm never gonna see him again...

I suddenly got swept into the emotions I've been dreading to have to feel again. I clutched the necklace around my neck, once again holding back my tears from being revealed to the sight of anyone. 

I don't want to feel this way, I'm tired of feeling this way. I looked back down at my glass in deep thought.

I need this. Even if it's just for tonight, I want to get rid of my emotions.

But should I?

"Katrina, what's wrong?" Anne eyed me suspiciously.

"Anne, I don't think I should drink tonight, you know? I'm not really up for it okay." I scooted the glass closer to her end of the counter.

"You have to be kidding me... Katrina, you always do this. You ruin a good night trying to act too innocent. Why can't you just loosen up and have a little fun?!"

"Anne I'm really sorry.." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"You're always never ready for anything. Cause if 'he' knew he would be disappointed, if 'he' knew he would hate you. Well you know what, fuck 'he'."

"Stop it" I mumbled.

"I don't fucking care anymore. He ruined your life, and you can't get over him. I wish I could just fucking kill Tae-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled cutting her off and gulped down my entire drink in one quick slurp. Anne's eyes widened from my sudden outburst but she soon smirked when I finally did it.

"Now that's more like it" she smiled handing the bartender my empty glass.

I finally did it. It felt unwelcoming at first, burning my throat more than anything I had ever tasted before, but I was instantly addicted to the strange sensation.

I yanked Anne's glass away and drank it as well then slammed it down on the counter.

Let's have some fun........

After that it was a blur of memories, from making out with anyone who approached me to getting so wasted that people were literally doing shots on my almost lifeless body. It was a night full of wild and uncensored moments. The worst part of it all was waking up in the morning, next to a complete stranger, with only little remembrance of what I never wanted to happen.

Looking back at it, I regretted it all. It was the first time I ever did something so against myself. The feeling it gave me knowing I had been exposed to a whole other world for a mere night, and came back a completely different person was almost shocking. I didn't want to have to face that again, but I asked myself the question...... Why did it feel so good?

I knew I had to stop, I couldn't and shouldn't live a life like this. But I couldn't stop myself after getting just the first taste of it.

I loved forgetting the pain...


Heyy guys! So this was more of a filler chapter for the while cuz like I said, I'm having a bit of trouble writing. But it all falls into the story, you'll see. So what did you think of this chapter? Kati seems a lot different now than you guys thought, huh? Tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote. Love you, byee!


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