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it was two months of joy and enthusiasm yet also arguments ending up with them sending daggers or cuddling at the corner. she never attempted to end her life again and he was thankful yet he was still scared.

he knew the feeling of being so lost, losing the only person you have in your life and wanting to come with them. she knee his pain on blaming himself for all of other people's misfortunes like she was naught but a bad luck to people.

they both knew the feeling of losing someone. they experienced loathing themselves and hoping that they'll just replace their loved ones in their coffins. they gave all efforts and still thinks it wasn't enough because the person they tried to help wasn't open.

they we're perfect for each other. both knew the pain, the suffering and those efforts wasted. and both saved one another from the pit they thought they can never climb. they served as the savior of one another. they were meant to be or is it?

the same sentence ran to her mind as she stared at him but she shrugged it off. there's no time for worries now that she knew what she ought to do

"stop staring, love."

she smiled at him praying he will see what's beneath.

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