Chapter 19

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My beautiful Brian. We met on the battlefield.  On opposite sides of the fence. He led his army against mine. I couldn't betray my sire and his orders had been explicit.  I had to kill him. It had been nothing personal only political.  I had done as bid and then some. Right there in the heat of battle I made the split second decision and instead of beheading him as I was about to I pulled him to me, sank my fangs into him and drank him dry. Then I allowed him drops of my precious blood and sent him to feed on his own army. My king had been pleased but not Brian. Never Brian.

"Brian? " I repeated still surprised he had turned up. As far as I knew he lothed me. Always had and always will. I doubt he'd come to wish me well. Then again he has never tried to do away eith me either.

"You mated?" He asked surprising me in his choice of question.  I had expected the obvious like -you're Queen or Princess of Darkness- yes, Brian would know that. Just as all of Marcus's offsprings would. Offsprings he's had sex with. Not many sires fucked their offsprings. Mine never fucked me. At least not in the sexual sense of the word.

"Yes,  she is, " stepped in Marcus oddly enough. That surprised me. I raised a  questioning brow at him but he only returned a stony silence.

But he achieved his aim nevertheless for Brian looked at him and it was not a look without challenge.  I was rather glad all of a sudden that Marcus had fed and fucked well enough last night to make his disposition that much more amiable if that was even possible but at least he was not biting Brian's head off. Literally.

"So what brings you here, Brian. Last I heard you outright refused to set sights on me forvas long as you walked on this world.

"You is what brought me here. You and your mating. With him," he saud glaring daggers at poor Marcus.

What the fuck?

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