Chapter 2

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I struggled to pull myself out of my crouch. My defence mechanism wouldn't allow for me to behave as if Marcus's very presence here meant nothing. As if he were harmless.

I felt my canines elongate and my expession morph into a more menacing facade.

"Why are you here?"

Even my voice echoed eerily off the walls of the otherwise sound proof club. It sounded menacing even to my own ears.

"Relax, luv. Can't a fellow drop in for a mere visit? This is afterall a bar. Be a love won't you and get us some drinks," Marcus said in his delicious clipped tones of British accents.

I found myself wordlessly nodding my head and obeying.

I went back behind the counter to retrieve a special stack I kept for just such strange visit. They hapened rarely enough in this neighbourhood of my choice as my kind did not find much to excited them here but one never knew.

"Your father is dead," Marcus said, dropping that bombshell just as I was pouring his drink. But I was old enough to keep the tremor from my hands as I steadily poured the suclucent pigs blood from the antique crystal encasing into an equally antique wine cystal goblet.

When dealing with the guards there were certain protocols that had to be adhered.

" Yes, I know,: I said mildly and I did know. My father was dead. I did not mean my father the bartender. No he had died  eons ago when his natural lifespan ended, no I meant my other father, teh one who sired me, the Vampire King, Alexander, he was dead and died recently. Very recently. Just this morning infact. I had felt it as had every vampire inexistence. But I would experience it more then most for with his passing he bestowed on me a most unwanted gift.

The Vampire throne and all the powers that came with it.

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