Chapter 9

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Warning: Sexuall content below. Not for under 18.


His lips touched mine without preamble. It took only a moment but I was soon meshing my lips to his with equal enthusiasm then a moment later I was clawing his back shredding the fabric of his shirt in the process with a craving I did not understand.

"Easy..easy does it," Marcus murmured huskily in my ear sending shivers after shivers down my spine causing me to act in the reverse instead.  A simple brush of his lipy against my ear sent me into a frenzy of activity.

I was soon ripping off the remainder of his clothing and feasting my lips to his. He didn't hold back either my clothes soon joined his to pool on the floor by our feet and we were straining against each other our lips greedily consuming the other in an open mouthed kiss that went on and on. When he finally released  me I was horizontal on my back and clinging to him like a limpet. I took a great gasping breath only to have it sucked out of me again in a hiss when his lips moved on to caress down my throat.

I arched my back and offered up more but he only continued to nuzzle up and down the length of my neck lazily as if scenting a bouquet of fine wine before enjoying its flavours.

"Please...pleaase, please," I pleaded as I move against him wildly. Rubbing myself up against his nude length. He jerked his hip back then plunged his shaft into me. Withdrew then plunged again ..and again. All the while he continued to rain tender kissess along my throat and chest ignoring my initial screams from his ruthlessness and later my aroused pleas for satisfaction.

Just as I couldn't take it anymore and was about to cum he sunk his teeth into me and lapped at the blood that gushed out if my torn carotid. I screamed my pain and then let my head drop back to enjoy his intense suction even as he continued to flex his hips and move in and out of me in an age old entrancing dance. His hips slapping against mine. Sending of into a mindless delirium of pleasure as I came then later came again..and again and yet still he continued to plunge on, ramming himself into me again and again. The wet slurping sounds of his greedy drinking rivalling that of his moving in and out of my wetness, soaking his maleness into my cum.

Soon I begun to feel weak, he had taken to much. My ancient blood proved his downfall. Its richness a drug of its own. So I did the only thing I could, what I had been unconciously holding back against. I brought my heavy head up and allowed my canines to elongate before I plunged into his neck breaking through his skin and instantly drawing the sustanence from within. His driving thrusts jerked out of control his rhythem momentarily destroyed as he strived to regain some control but instead he came and came gushing into me in a hot scorching flow then almost instantly he was thrusting again.  Still I drank on as he did me and still we moved together our bodied slippery from our blood mingled sweat  sliding and slipping over each other as we continued to strain against each other for more and then yet more.

Hours slipped past. The sun rose high in the sky but our grips over each other hadn't slaken and most importantly our rational selves hadn't returned. Instead we spent the day in blood lust and just lust. Craving each other in away that defied reason that could not be appeased. In the height of the noon sun our movements slowed to almost slumberous pace but the sensual haze we were in did not recide. Our grip over each other's carotids did not relent but then the setting sun changed things.

Marcus's minions pounded on the door breaking through our sensual cravings and bringing rational thoughts back to the foreground. Still we came together several times more before mutually wrenching ourselves apart.

The mating process was now complete. We were now irreversibly one.

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