Chapter 22

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The wolf with rusty brown fur broke away from the ranks came towards me...not stopping till his nose was inches from mine. I didn't move. Instead I froze rock still as did Marcus and where Brian was in the throws of intense pleasure he too froze mid plunge.

I stared into the golden brown eyes that blinked long thick black lashes slowly almost hypnotically at me. 

"The darkness. It's strong within you."

I reached out with my mind. Yes it is.

"You are the Princess of Darkness and  the Vampire Queen."

Yes I am.

"Will you be able to lead us pack ?"

I will certainly try. It is my duty to serve all the dark Lord's many children. As Princess of Darkness I am in his service and I do his bidding.

"Then on behalf of the wolves. I bid you a congratulations over your new powers and swear allegiance North Michigan pack. My allegiance represents my pack alone. I cannot speak for the others."

I  understand. I will accept your allegiance if it remains unconditional. But know this allegiance can be forced and most importantly it can be involuntary. I do not need your allegiance. You however need mine.

At that the Wolf took a step back then another before he abruptly dropped down onto one knee . As he kneeled so did his entire pack. Those who were present and I suspect even those who were not.

I gave a cool nod of acceptance and bid them rise. Then throwing a glance that caught Marcus attention I rose shakily from my throne and left him to deal with the intricacies as I made my way blindingly to the rooms at the back. Letting only instinct guide me I sought comfort from the only true ally I had left, Brian.

Even as the sound of his name filled my mind he was moving on his way coming towards me. We met mid way. I fell to my weakened knees before him and he dropped to his to wrap his arms urgently about me.

I shivered and shook but would not be  appeased. My state of agitation was just that great then I felt the presance of Marcus crowd around me. He closed in physically and wrapped his arms around me from behind. Burying his face in the curve of my neck he whispered," Its all right. I'm here. I've sorted them out. Its going to be okay."

"Noooo." I all but wailed. "Its not going to be alright. It never will be again. Everything has changed. I have changed."

"You're simply in shock. You are finally realising the impact of all that's happened...the reality of being the Princess of Darkness," Brian explained away my state of bewilderment with an unhappy grimace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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