Chapter 10

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Marcus led me to the basement then to a trap door beneath. It was a circular concrete room with unwashed cement walls with what I assumed were blood splattered all over it.

I strode immediately to its centre and sat on the cold floor and folded my legs underneath me. I was still naked and unwashed as was Marcus. We had come here after the mating to begin the acceptance.

Already I felt stronger from drinking off Marcus. His blood was old and healing. It would help with what was to come. At the very least it would stop me from dying off outright.

I sighed not at all happy with things so far and tried not to look at Marcus who stood right infront of me in all his resplendent glory. He was so beautiful and so distracting.

I needed to concentrate so I said," You need to leave," and was unsurprised that he only shook his head in response.

So then I simply closed my eyes knowing that I would only get turned on from simply looking at him.

I shut my eyes and opened my inner eye. A human would call it looking into my soul but I was the undead and so had no soul. My soul had torn away from me and returned to my maker at first death a long time ago leaving me empty and even mindless for most part of a century after. I had been at my bloodthirsty and ruthless best in that time. Till the war changed things for me. Guess deaths of that massive porportions would do that to me. Soulless or not.

My inner eye led my to my conciens and beyond. It held my power to tap the energies that would fill my chi, my power core.

I concentrated hard until my conciens expanded to open wide so that all I cpuld see was a never ending deep well of black. Ebony in its purest sheen. Some say its the doorway to space and others claim it opens up a hidden pathway to the great beyond. I have no idea and no inclinations to find out what is true. My only aim is to survive my acceptance. With that in mind I flung back my head and let out the call.

Then I waited..and waited..and waited still as my conciens took its own endless time in floating away with my call.

I mentally sighed as I watched it go in my minds eye. This would take foreever I thought.


Did I just hear that? I searched about in that vast emptiness before me for the pressance of another but found none. So I settled back in to wait..and wait still. I lost track in waiting and must have dosed off even till the pain hit me in a wave that would have sent me crashing to the floor if I hadn't been down on my knees already. I spread my knees wide and leaned forward to brace myself fully on my hands and knees.

Still the wave continued to flow in. Torrents of black spectrum of energy carried with it acres of pain.

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