After Hours- Short story

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Chapter 1

"See ya later!" The regular customer called out drunkenly as he made his way out the front doors of the little bar at which Clara worked.

She didn't bother to acknowledge knowing the customer would be too drunk to know the difference anyhow. So she continued with her tasks of cleaning up, restocking and locking away the booze. Clara had to do this before the 4am close so that when the next shift started at 5am the staff could concentrate on what would be the main part of the daytime service and that was preparing and providing breakfast, lunch and later dinner.

Its been 4months at this bar so she was by now used to the routine even if it was still as tiring as it was the first day on the job.

She liked the night life. But she hated drunks. Being a 5'5 and a skinny one at that there was not much else she could do that did not involve gettimg laid or washing dishes. Her dad used to run a bar so she was more than adequate at it having helped out her dad more often then not. But that had been way back in 1810. Rules were a little more lax back then and the toxins served were of the basic variety. Illegal brewed beer and whisky. But overtime the poisen of choise evolved and now she had to concoqt a variety that met the demands of her patron. Cocktails were decidely the more interesting development in her field of expertise. Putting them together took up a better part of her night. It certainly made her job more interesting.

The door opened.

"We're closed," she said without looking up from her chores. Then the scent hit her and she whirled instantly and fell into an automatic defensive crouch.

The guards did not vist often but when they did they meant trouble and what stood before her was trouble with a capital T. Head of Guard, Marcus Reid. He was lethal. In looks and form. But Clara was no juvenile she knew what she was up against and would not readily fall into the trap of his otherworldly beauty. Only a certain death lay at the end of that partm She took in his bored persona and shuddered internally in fear.

It was a well justified fear for there was only one thing more fatale then Marcus and that was a very bored Marcus.

After Hours- Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now