The Secret- Part 18

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Hey people,

It's moi! Maria. It's Sunday today and that means no school. Nothing interesting really happened today because all I did all day was homework and listen to music. Oh.. And I checked my facebook. You'll NEVER guess who sent me a message on facebook. It was Zara. She said,

'Luk bich, stp flrtng wid my bf. He dunt lyk uglieee fkers lyk u. F u dunt levee us aloneeee i'll kil u, u ugliee bich.'

I don't know what I was suppose to feel. I feel bad because I kind of like Steve but what was I meant to do? I can't help it. I didn't reply, I checked her profile and she wasn't in a relationship with anyone so I don't really get it. Why does she keep calling him her 'boyfriend'. That girl is so annoying. I also looked at her latest status and it said,

'Dunt u jzt h8 it wen an ugliee fker hit on ur bf. Itz zo annoyin. I meeen lyk serusly go fnd sum1 else not myn, BEEACH!'

There were 103 likes and so many people commented.

Georgia commented, 'MARIA?!'

'Yaahhh! Dat fcker needs a lyf. She mks owt dat im d baddiee wen in actual fakt shes d badiee:(' Zara commented.

They were all hating on me. And now the rest of the school knows her side of the story. You know what that means, more bullying. I felt a tear drop down to my cheek as I read all the nasty comments they said about me. I suppose I am ugly and they are right:( I quickly turned the computer off from the computer shop and paid for my time using it.

I quickly ran back home and stayed in my room the rest of the day. I cried all night:(

Maria Davis x

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