The Secret- Part 16

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It's Maria, take me to your leader! Haha:D How's my cookie doing? Just came back from an awful day at school. It all happened at break. I was at my lockers just taking out past papers for maths when suddenly I felt someone hug me. At the time I was like 'Who the cookie is this?' I shrugged and turned around. It was Steve.

'Steve, what the absolute cookie, are you doing?!' I snapped.

'Calm down, Ria. I just wanted a hug.'

'Firstly, Don't let Zara see you and secondly, What the cookie is Ria? My name is MA- Ria.'

'Calm down!' He shouted.

I pushed him away from me and ran off. Zara can't see me and Steve together otherwise.. Well you know what will happen.. Yeah! More bullying AND I don't want any more. I quickly ran to the toilet and hid in my usual spot. I heard the door open and I heard footsteps.

'Hmm.. I wonder who's in here.' A voice sarcastically said. I gasped. I kept quiet the whole time. 'Maria. Maria Davis I know you're in here.' The voice continued.

I covered my mouth with my hands.

'Get away from my boyfriend. Or else I'll do something to you that will make your life a living hell.' She snapped.

'Huh? Steve and her are dating?!' I thought.

'He likes me not a nerdy-bastard like you. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You look like a pile of shit. Your nose is so crooked it looks like a witch's nose. Gosh! Have you seen your hair. Girl, you have the worst fashion ever.'

The more and more she teased me the more I felt insecure about myself. Do I really look that bad?! I mean I understand the glasses. Ok.. Ok.. I don't actually need glasses but I just like wearing them because they cover my hazel brown eyes which I hate so much. You kind of not see my eyes as well when I wear glasses so I wear it. I hate my features because I feel so ugly and I hate my hair. I have light blonde wavy hair. It's not frizzy or straight. It's just ok. I usually always have it up because I can't be bothered to sort my hair out.

Anyway back to the story, 'Bitch! Steve doesn't like you. You know why?! Because Steve is only u-'

*Ding Ding*

What the cookie was she going to say?! I have to know!! :((

Maria Davis x

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