The Secret- Part 19

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It's me Maria. Not feeling very well and I just got back from school.

The moment I stepped in to the school everyone laughed, stared and made horrible remarks about how I was flirting with Steve. I felt tears drop down to my face as everyone surrounded me. I heard a girl say, 'Don't let your boyfriends talk to Maria otherwise she may start flirting with them.'

Everyone pointed and pinched me. I felt someone grab my hair and pulled it. I screamed in agony. Then Zara walked in. She ran up to me and slapped me hard across the face,

'You BITCH! Leave my boyfriend alone, stupid fucker!' She yelled.

'Please, Zara. Stop!'

She kicked me on the knee and I fell to the floor. She then punched me in my stomach and started pulling my hair. I screamed in agony. Then she let go off me and everyone ran off as the headteacher and a couple of teachers ran up to me. I was left on the floor with a couple of bruises.

'Are you ok, Maria?' The head teacher asked. I slowly nodded my head as a cringed in pain. They helped me get up and I slowly limped to the well being center. They helped me with the bruises and I was sent home.

As for Zara, she's been excluded for a week. When I got home my dad asked,

'What's wrong, darling. What happened?!'

'I'm fine Dad. I just got in an arguement at school. It was a misunderstanding. I'm fine.' I faked a smile as I limped to the sofa and sat down.

'Darling, are you being bullied?!' He exclaimed.

'No! Dad, don't be silly. I told you, it was a misunderstanding!' I said.

'Ok... Are you sure you're feeling ok?!'

'Yes, Dad.' I smiled.

I daren't tell him the truth. I don't want to put more things in his mind to worry about.

Maria Davis x

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