An Eventful Night- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Natasha Emilie Lakes! I don't care if you are nine years older than me, I will drag you out of this house if I have to!" Mikal, my youngest brother, yelled from the living room. I rolled my eyes and walked toward the room I knew my brother was sitting within.

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but why are you planning on dragging me out of this house? This is our family's house; I don't have to leave if I don't want to." I answered matter-of-factly as I walked into the living room of the house that is half Onyx pack and half Obsidian pack to see my three younger brothers. Mikal was standing with his arms crossed and tapping his foot while Nick and Mason just sat watching him from the couch. "Besides, how is an eleven year old going to drag an almost twenty year old out of a house?" I asked crossing my arms and arching my right eyebrow as I stood in the doorway.

Mikal looked at me and glared. I just smiled as I looked at him smugly. He knew he couldn't get me out alone, and he knew that Mason and Nick weren't going to help him drag me out. Those two may be seventeen, but they were both minorly afraid of me. I love being the only girl; it always means I can get my rough-housing little brothers in trouble if need be.

What was even more was that my parents, aunt, and uncle allowed me to be here for as long as I wished. They knew that it was a tradition of mine to come to this house and stay for three weeks by myself around this time of the year. My birthday was in two days, and I would stay alone in this house the week before, the week of, and the week after my birthday. It had become my tradition ever since I was nine years old.

I had started it for the sole purpose of spending time with Roman, the little boy whom caused me to shift at four and the boy whom was my mate. This house had been my closest place to his pack and his father's land. I had started to stay here so that we could spend as much time as I could with him. Roman had convinced me to stay in the house the week before my tenth and his eleventh birthday so that we could hang out more, and he had convinced me to stay until the end of the week after, so we would have even more time.

The next year, I came just as Roman had convinced me the previous year. I stayed as long as I had the year before. The only difference was that Roman had never shown up, and so my tradition continued. At first it was my way of waiting for Roman to come back, but after two years of not seeing him, it became my safe haven, my getaway. My mom used to go out of her way to celebrate everything that happened within my life, but my tradition caused her to stop. I hate the idea of over-celebrating my birthday, so I would lock myself in this house and spend it alone. My family would visit altogether on my birthday to give me gifts and eat cake. I would then spend the rest of my time alone doing whatever I chose to do.

I was surprised that my brothers were actually here at all right now. I looked at them curiously before I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at my three little brothers. "What are you three doing here? I still have two days alone before you and the rest of our family comes to celebrate my birthday and over a week before I have to go home. So, again, why are you three here right now?" I asked suspiciously.

Nick sighed before standing and moving to hold one of Mikal's shoulders. "You know how mom has been. She is worried for you. You know how worried she's been since your eighteenth birthday; she made a deal that she would allow you to go to your mate at eighteen, but he never showed." Mason spoke as he stood as well taking Mikal's other shoulder. Mikal was the closest to our mom, so it was no wonder that he was the upset one. I remember my mom making a deal with my mate eleven years ago; she had promised Roman that he was allowed to take me with him to stay when I turned eighteen. I also remember the anticipation I had hidden the whole day of my eighteenth birthday; I had been hoping that Roman would come for me, and I was crushed when he never did.

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