The Family Has Arrived: Chapter 7

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**Couldn't Resist**

Chapter 7:

"Plus Oliver, you wouldn't have been able to take him anyway. He's a few inches taller than you and looks a lot stronger than you." My mom added. My dad turning to scowl at her. "Don't give me that look. You and I both know that you'd lose in that fight. Besides, you could always save that energy for later." She continued as she wrapped her arms around his waist upon walking to him.

"EW!" A chorus of voices rang out, the loudest being my three brothers and I. I didn't need to know that my mom and dad still do it after all these years. That's just gross!

"Oh, don't 'ew' me! When you find your mates, then you'll all understand what I'm talking about." She explained. As gross as the thought of my parents having sex is for me, she did have a point. With Roman back and having already slept together in wolf form, I really can't say that I don't want to do it again.

"That better not be the case for all of you." My dad mumbled. I turned to look at him before I shrugged.

"Actually, mom is right." I spoke still looking at my dad. The horrified look on all of the males that I've grown up in the same house as, their faces were perfectly priceless. My mom looked ready to crack up laughing, as did my aunt Audra.

"I seriously don't need to know about my older sister's sex life, thank you!" My brother, Nick said with a disgusted look on his face. My two other brothers nodding their heads with similar looks of disgust plastered on their faces. My mom and Aunt Audra couldn't help laughing at their expressions.

"How about we all move on, and we all enjoy this party. We came for our granddaughter's twentieth birthday, and I'd like to enjoy some cake as she receives a few presents." My grandpa Nathaniel compromised. Everyone else in the room couldn't help laughing at his obvious desire for cake. Everyone began to move into the living room where the cake and gifts were at along with a few birthday decorations. "Why don't you two slip upstairs and get something more appropriate on?" He whispered to Roman and I. I kissed him on the cheek with a mouthed 'thank you' while Roman shook his hand before we both ran quietly upstairs.

Walking into my room, Roman grabs me around the waist, stopping me momentarily, so he can place a lingering, soft kiss onto my temple. I can't help the huge smile on my face as his lips linger. My hands hold onto his arms as many sparks burn between our skin with how much exposed skin to skin contact that we were sharing.

Before I could even process the movement, Roman had me cradled in his arms like a groom holds his bride. I was about to protest until I saw the look on his face; his smile was warm and happy as he looked down at me in adoration. A word wouldn't leave my lips as I looked at him; his eyes incapacitating me in his arms. I'm helpless to those beautiful green orbs.

"I love you, Natasha Lakes, with all of my heart." He spoke softly, honestly, his gaze never wavering from mine.

My breath hitched as my heart jumped in recognition of what those words meant. Roman Vinceth, the son of the dangerous Alpha Ulrik Vinceth and my constant shadow when I was little, told me he loves me. Not a speck of dishonesty in his eyes, Roman stood holding me preciously in his arms. "Roman Vinceth, I have loved you ever since you showed up eleven years ago and kissed me in front of my family. Not a day had gone by where I haven't love you." I whispered back to him. His smile only grew at my words before his head nuzzled into my neck where he lay a simple, lingering kiss before setting me back down onto my feet.

"We need to get dressed." He whispered before lightly pushing me toward the dresser. I lightly laughed as I grabbed some clothes, teasing him the whole time. He just huffed and scowled at me playfully.

Once I was dressed into a simple white and baby bird blue swirl dress, I turned to see that Roman was standing at the doorway in blue jeans and a light blue shirt. I couldn't help the smile that rose to my face as Roman extended a hand to me with a slight bow. Taking his hand, I gave him as smile curtsy before he pulled me into his arms.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Roman murmured in my ear before he escorted me down the stairs. But I couldn't make the loving smile off of my face, his words still ringing in my ears all the way down, and my mother noticed.

"Happy birthday, Natasha." She spoke upon seeing me enter the room with Roman. I smiled at her.

"Thank you, mom." I thanked happily. She just winked at me as everyone else turned to look at Roman and I enter the room. "I love you too." I whispered into Roman's skin when I kissed his cheek before I turned my attention back to my gathered family.

"Happy Birthday, Natasha!" the rest of my family shouted out, the boys all trying to be louder than each other. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as I saw the boys all turn to argue with each other about whom was louder than whom.

Roman and I walked further into the room and grabbed two cups of birthday punch; a drink made up of two different types of soda pop and two different types of juice. I began to sip on mine as my parents moved over to us. I felt Roman's hand grip tighter to my waist as my dad looked at our close proximity.

"I take it that the two of you have already been together." My dad spoke awkwardly. My mom rolling her eyes at his wording. "Yet I don't see any sign of a mark on my daughter's neck. A simple step that could have been taken, should have been taken, before the two of you went any further in the mating process. Though I think that that last step should have waited until the two of you were married already." He continued.

"Oh, that's a bunch of nonsense!" A deep masculine voice spoke from across the room. I almost laughed at the look on my grandfather's face as he moved over to us, my grandmother following behind him even though she was flat out chuckling the whole way. "If you'd have been left alone that first time we met, my daughter would have been marked and mated before you even thought of putting a ring on her finger! Plus, you still didn't wait to sleep with her until after the two of you were married. You only waited long enough to save her and bring her back to the temporary pack base house before you deflowered my daughter!" My grandfather scowled as my dad's eyes went wide.

"Dad!" "Nathaniel!" The protesting shouts of both my mom and my grandmother rang out in the room. Both of my parents and my grandmother looked horrified by what my grandfather had said. My aunt and uncle looked ready to burst out laughing. My cousins just looked confused as they tried to figure out what had been said. My brothers all looked disgusted, but my grandfather just looked down at my grandma Katherine innocently. Her glare only caused him to shrug his shoulders and murmur a simple 'what' as I felt Roman try to hold in his own laughter beside me.

"What? It's true." My grandfather Nathaniel spoke unashamedly. I just smiled at my still horrified parents. "He shouldn't judge. At least his daughter is two years older than her mother was. Roman and Natasha waited longer than our daughter and her mate. Heck, Roman waited years!" He finished.

"How about we all have some cake? Then we can all discuss what's going on with why Roman has been gone all these years." My Aunt Audra suggested, successfully distracting my grandfather.


I'm giving everyone two more chapters. This one and another chapter. I hope all of you are still sticking with this story and that you all still like it. I really love that so many are actually reading my story. Thank you!

What do you think of Nathaniel (he has always love cake, I just didn't include that part in the first book)? How funny was it when Nathaniel just burst out about his daughter's mating life? Any theories?

Thank you for all of your support!


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