Back to Normal: Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

It's been about two weeks since everything went down. We buried Mr. Ulrik Vincenth next to his mate in a beautiful meadow cemetery that all three of the packs have shared since before even Roman was born. It was a sad night that night. Roman broke down the minute we were in my room. He could barely stand as he cried, and I couldn't blame him. He lost both of his parents. All I could do was bring us to the bed where we both cried as we held onto each other.

Now, things were starting to get back to a more regular. Roman and I moved into the Scorpion pack house closest to both of my families' packs. The place is a little rundown, so Roman has been trying to plan a new pack house to be built. He has also been working on building a 'small' mansion of a house for the Alpha family. He wants there to be an actual house for us to live in so that he doesn't feel like he's living at work like he does currently. Plus, he always loved spending time and sleeping over at the house that my mother and grandmother had been living in before my mom met my dad. He wants our children to grow up in a house like that.

I blush every time he mentions children. It's not that I don't want any because I do, but Roman always goes on about how many children we're going to have and that makes me blush. He wants a little girl, two little boys that are a year apart, twin girls that are three years younger than their youngest older brother, and he wants another little boy. I think anyone would blush at his planned out baby schedule. I sometimes wonder if he plans to be giving birth to some of these children with how many there are.

As Roman is currently dealing with trying to figure out who the new beta should be, he's making sure that it won't be anyone that may want me. While he's off making decisions for the pack, I'm trying to track down my brothers and cousins. I haven't spent any time with them since we buried Roman's father. I want to see how they are all doing.

Once I make it to my aunt and uncle's, I quickly head for Baker's room. Knocking on his door, he quickly answers the door. He looks down at me with a scowl on his face while I just look at him confused. He looks behind himself before he pushes himself out into the hall, closing his door after him. He takes a deep breath as I look at him suspiciously.

"I found my mate. She's in there sleeping right now. I don't want to wake her." He answers my unasked question. A new batch of questions flood immediately into my head as I look at him. I can see that he sees the questions. "I found her the day after Alpha Ulrik's funeral. We accidently ran into each other on a run. She's really sweet, but she is also fierce. Surprisingly, she's a warrior-in-training from the Obsidian pack. All of the packs should really have a meet and greet." He explains with a small smile.

"Go enjoy your mate. I'm going to-" I tell him.

"Willow met her mate as well. She's currently eating his face and upsetting our dad with the fact that she's growing up." Baker interrupts me. I nod before saluting my good bye. Baker is immediately back in his room.

"My little fiery female, I have a free second half of my day. Why don't we spend it together?" Roman's voice sounds through the mind-link. I smile at his warm voice before I make my way back to our room. "I'll be there in about a half hour. I love you." He finishes as I repeat it back to him. I have to do something before he gets there anyway, and it will be far less nerve-wracking if Roman isn't there with me.

I slowly walk back to my pack's pack house and my mate. It's weird that the Scorpion pack is my pack as in I'm the alpha. It was a lot to take in at first, but I've been handling it far better the longer I do it. I know I can do it because my fiery little female is by my side as my Luna as she was born to be.

I've been searching for a Beta. I had thought that maybe Mason or Nick would be a good choice for the position Beta while the other would take the Alpha position for the Obsidian pack, but that didn't work out. I'd gone to ask them, and I ended up walking in on the two of them kissing Jayde, Caroline's daughter and both of the twins' mate, as she was fast asleep. They promptly growled at me. Turns out that they will be taking over as co-Alphas of their pack, and Jayde will be their Luna. It's rare for twins, even same sex identical twins like them, to share a mate, but it is very possible.

I was now on my way home to my mate. She was waiting for me and I couldn't be happier. Things had been hard between us; I was trying to cope with the loss of my father, and the truth about my mother's death and being alpha while Natasha was trying to deal with some kind of stomach bug that was making it hard for her to keep anything except meat down. I was beginning to worry about her. I hate seeing her feel so horrible and not being able to do anything about it.

Upon walking into our temporary room at the old Scorpion pack house, I noticed Natasha sitting on the bed crying. I was beside her within seconds, asking what was wrong and what had happened. She just looked up at me and smiled. "I can't keep anything down. I'm completely craving all different types of meat, and you're going to be a father." She told me with a watery smile. It took me a few minutes to register what she said and what it meant. Without wasting another second, I was spinning Natasha around as she was laughing loudly at my actions. I placed her down onto her feet and kissed her lips softly.

"You're pregnant?!" I asked excitedly when I pulled away.

"I took five tests just to check. All except one was positive. I'm pretty sure that that means that I'm pregnant." She told me with a smile. I couldn't help picking her up into my arms and kissing her again. "Hey, what happened with asking the twins? Did one of them agree?" She asked pulling away from to look at me curiously.

"Neither of them can do it. They are going to co-Alpha the Obsidian pack since they have found their mate." I told her as I sat down on our bed with her straddling my waist. She looked thoroughly confused as she looked for an explanation in my eyes. "Jayde is their mate. They are a rare pair of twin werewolves for you. They share Jayde as their mate." I explain.

She looks surprised for a few seconds before she smiles. "As long as they are happy, I really don't care then." She told me casually. I shook my head while I smiled at her happily. "Why don't you ask Willow and her mate to be our beta couple? That way you know that the beta won't be like your father's, and it will give them something productive to do. Plus, Baker really doesn't want to keep trying to stop my uncle from separating Willow and her mate, Terran, whenever they're kissing. It will give Baker time to be with his mate, and it will relieve my Uncle Vane from having to see one of his little girls making out with her mate." She suggested with a smile.

"You are a genius, my fiery little female." I told her with a smile. She smiled back before kissing me. "I love you." I told her.

"I love you too." She told me back.


Hello everyone! Congratulations, you have finished the last chapter before the epilogue of His Deal! I love all of you for all of your support. You are the most amazing people ever. I was ready to give up on this story, but then I saw how many people were voting and liking this story, and I told myself to keep going. I told myself to finish this story for all of you. So here you go. I've done this for you and for me.

What was surprising this chapter? Did you see that she was pregnant during her half of the chapter? What did you think of Mason and Nick and the fact that they found their mate? Any questions?

Thank you all for your support! You are inspirational to me! I hope you have enjoyed His Deal. Be ready for the Epilogue next!


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