Reactions: Chapter 13

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*This song seemed appropriate. You'll understand.*

Chapter 13:

We all watched as the video ended. Roman held me tightly as he cried into my shoulder. I was trying to stay strong as I held him, but I could feel the tell-tale tears were falling slowly down my cheeks. Whispering a soft 'I promise', I looked around. My mom and aunt were burring their heads in their mates' chests a sobs wracked their bodies; my father and uncle holding them and trying to stay strong. Everyone looked heartbroken. My gaze found Mr. Ulrik Vincenth. Mr. Vincenth was stock still as he looked at the final look of his mate and wife lay peacefully looking at the camera.

I could see the tears that streamed from this man of stone's eyes as he looked at her. His heart had cracked when he found his love dead, I could tell from his expression, but now his heart began to break completely as he finally had the truth. When he finally tore his gaze from the screen, his eyes found Roman and I where we stood. I could see that seeing his son in tears was breaking his heart further.

When he looked away from us, a sudden look of anger appeared upon his face. Roman looked to his father then. A look of pure rage rose to his face as he looked in his direction. I looked to where Roman was to see a familiar face. The face of the person that tore into a pregnant Lucinda in the video. Peter Landers was standing looking at the video with a pissed off expression. He didn't like being caught.

"You killed my pregnant mate. You killed your Luna. You killed the kindest woman just because she didn't want to be with you." Mr. Vincenth stated calmly as he looked at Peter. Peter looked to him as he began to breathe heavily. "Why would you do such a thing to Lucinda?!" Mr. Vincenth finally shouted in rage.

"Because she was mine before she met you, and she was supposed to stay mine! We were together, and then she ran into you one day while she was out. She'd somehow known you, but neither of you had realized that you mates, and she left town for years. When she returned, we met and we started dating." Peter told him loudly. He wasn't trying to control his anger at all. Everyone looked confused and surprised. "She came to me the day she met you again. She told me that we couldn't be together because she had found her mate. I let her leave, but then you walked in front of everyone and announced her as your mate. She was my Luna, and I knew that it was a sign that I couldn't give up on us." He explained.

This man was a sick individual. I could feel that Roman was holding onto a mere thread. I could also see that Mr. Vincenth was barely holding on as well. "Peter Landers, Beta of the Scorpion pack, I, as your alpha, strip you of your title for the crime of lying to your alpha for ten years. For your crimes of threatening the lives of Roman Thomas Vincenth, next alpha of the Scorpion pack, and Natasha Emilie Lakes, next Luna of the Scorpion pack, and the death of Lucinda Emilia Vincenth, your Luna and my mate, and Emilie Vincenth, our unborn child, you are hereby sentence to death." He boomed in an Alpha tone. You could feel the power in his voice as he commanded it.

Peter just scowled. "She should have just done as I told her." He muttered before he shifted and jumped at Mr. Ulrik. He tackled him to the ground. Mr. Vincenth fought against him, shifting when he got enough room to do so before throwing Peter off of him. Everyone watched as the alpha of the Scorpion pack attacked the ex-beta of the Scorpion pack. I winced when Peter bit into Mr. Vincenth side badly. Before anyone could blink, Peter was knocked off of Alpha Vincenth.

"My father sentenced you to death for your crimes." Roman spoke as he held Peter down on the ground. Peter's head was being forced into the ground by his snout by one of Roman's hands while the other hand pushed down harshly on Peter's shoulder. The sound of Peter's back ankle being broken rang out into the air as Roman slammed his foot harshly into it. Peter's pained whine followed closely behind it. "You should have never killed my mother and sister, nor should you have threatened my mate." Roman growled out through his teeth at Peter.

I made my way to his side. When I stood beside Peter's head, I sent a message to Roman through our mind-link. Roman carefully moved his hand further up Peter's face. I looked down at the monster in front of me. "You should have never touched that woman." I spoke to him. He looked at me, and I could see the confusion in his eyes. "Mrs. Lucinda, I'm keeping my promise." I whispered into the air. Roman took a deep breath and I could feel Alpha Vincenth's curious eyes on me. "This is for everything you did." I informed Peter before I slammed the heel of my foot into his jaw, smiling at the crack that rang out into the room.

A warm hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Mr. Vincenth. He had tears in his eyes as he smiled at me, and I could only smile back at him as he walked confidently to Peter. Roman looked up at his father and released Peter's body when he nodded his head at Roman. Roman came to stand with his arms around me as we all watched Mr. Vincenth be the alpha and enact his sentence on Peter.

"From this day forward, the alpha of the Scorpion Pack is Roman Thomas Vincenth, my son, and the Luna is Natasha Emilie Lakes, his mate. They will lead the Scorpion pack into better times. They will love as I have been unable to for years now, and they will rebuild." Mr. Vincenth announced. The whole of the Scorpion pack looked to us before they all knelt down and showed submission to us, accepting us as their new leaders. "My friends, I hope that you can forgive me for being blinded by the loss of my love, mate, and wife. She meant everything to me, and I let myself be blinded by a liar because I was so distraught. I also hope that she can forgive me for what I have done in anger and grief. Thank you for finding out the truth of what happened to her." He spoke to my family and their packs.

"Why couldn't she reach you? Even being pregnant, she should have been able to call you through the mind-link." My mom asked as she looked stricken still. My aunt looked up as well.

"Why did you believe it was our packs that attacked her?" My aunt asked looking at him as well. We all looked to him.

"She couldn't have gotten through; I was busy with Alpha work so that I wouldn't have any for our son's birthday, but I blocked everyone from mind-linking me." He spoke regretfully. He looked even more broken at that admission. "The only other scent that I could smell was too similar to Luna Audra's scent that I believed it was someone that had been around her, but I didn't know that it was the scent that I was ignoring that was the actual killer's scent. I'm sorry I tried to attack all of you." He regretfully said before he swayed in his spot. We looked at him confused before he suddenly fell.

Roman and I rushed to him immediately, my parents, aunt, and uncle behind us. It was then that I saw the blood that had dripped down onto the pants and through the shirt he'd put on before killing Peter. Aunt Audra slowly rose the hem of his shirt up so that we could see the wound. It was the spot Peter had bitten him, and there was no way we could save him with how bad it was. Roman held his father's hand and began to tear up. I was beginning to cry as well.

"It's alright. The two of you will make amazing leaders to the Scorpion pack. You will have a family that you will love dearly, and you can tell them that their grandfather loved them." He told Roman and I. Roman squeezed his hand harder as he raised his other hand to my cheek. "Thank you, Natasha, for keeping that final promise to my wife. She loved you dearly." He spoke sadly.

"Of course." I whispered as I cried softly.

"Don't cry. I get to be with my mate, my love, my wife, and my world. I will get to see her again, and I will always watch over all of you with her. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to die because I know she is waiting for." He spoke with a smile before he slumped completely. Roman carefully closed his eyes before sitting back and pulling me into his arms.


That chapter also ended a bit sad, but it was also kind of happy. Roman's father finally gets to be reunited with his mate and one true love. He's okay with that. I think that I made Ulrik Vincenth very misunderstood because he was grieving and always tried to be strong, but the truth is that he was beyond heartbroken when he lost Lucinda. I hope this redeems him in all of your eyes. I'd also like to inform you that the end is coming now.

What's the most surprising thing about this chapter for you? Do you feel better knowing that Ulrik Vincenth isn't a terrible guy? Is he redeemed?

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my story! I love you all so much! You're all wonderful people. I'd also like to say congratulations to @Callie_Bear14 for figuring it out so soon! Sorry that I couldn't tell you, but I didn't want to spoil it for anyone who might read the comments!


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