Plans Change- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I could see her. I had first thought she was cute when she was four and I was five, but I had thought that she was beautiful from the moment we truly met when I was ten. She had always been my own rare jewel that shined no matter where she was. But as I watched her, I knew for a fact that time makes all gems even more beautiful. She was beautiful beyond all words. It was as I watched her walk around her home that I knew no amount of dreaming did her justice.

I just sat and watched lazily as she danced randomly around her family home. The home that she had explained was shared between the two packs when we had first played in this backyard. I could feel the energy within her, could feel the fierce wolf within her. She was perfection. She had always been perfect in my eyes, but now she was literally the definition of perfection. I knew she would be upset with me when we would speak, but I knew that I would fall to my knees to beg for her forgiveness.

It was hours later after I had watched Natasha fall asleep that I was now walking through the woods. I watched as the moon pushed to its highest peak, and the wind shifted. It was the specific scent on the wind that caused me to bolt toward the small clearing I'd seen before. I stood at the edge of the trees and watched the beautiful gray wolf of many shades look down into the water at herself. It was now that she could see the perfection that she is. Her wolf form was just as beautiful and perfect as her human form.

A low, lust-filled, rumbling growl vibrated through me as I looked upon her. She was everything I wanted, and I couldn't help but approach her. I was hoping that I could knock on her door tomorrow morning and explain this all to her, but she was standing there in all her perfection. I couldn't contain my need for her. I watched as her body tensed as she listened for me. I liked that her attention was on me. I loved that she was here with me. I loved that her scent was invading my nose as the wind blew lightly past her and toward me.

Another lust-filled growl left my lips as I walked around her body. Her tail teasing me with its movement. It was as if it wanted me to take her hard right here and now. She was driving my animalistic instincts as her mate up the wall. When I was directly behind her, I contemplated what my actions would end up consequenting in, but she was driving me too crazy that all I could think about was having her.

I pushed myself up onto her behind. She barked out in protest and tried to move away from me. I didn't like her pulling away from me, so a warning growl sounded from my muzzle and vibrated my chest. I was warning her to not move and to allow me to do as I pleased. I knew that I could never hurt her, but I wasn't going to just stop now. She just barked out in protest again. I merely allowed another growl to rumble through my chest in warning and moved myself closer to her behind.

I could tell that I was being slightly rough as I held her in place, but it was with gentle and immediate movement that I entered her. It was the tight feel of her that almost made me growl in approval again. She was a virgin, meaning she'd waited for me. But seeing as she was still a virgin, I just stood carefully in place unmoving as I did not wish to hurt her any further by moving and doing as my instincts instructed me to. I was waiting for her to tell me it was okay; I wanted her to give me her reassurance of what I was doing so that I could continue.

I felt as she moved around slightly as I could tell she was uncomfortable with the intrusion, but soon I could sense the pain I had caused was starting to pass. I could tell that it was pleasure that immediately took its place, and it was her impatient bark that caused me to growl in lust-filled approval as I slowly moved again. The thought of ever doing it in wolf form had never entered my mind, but I would gladly admit that I was completely okay with always doing it this way if Natasha ever decided to give me a choice. A soft wolfy moan began to leave her muzzle as I continued, my own mixing with hers, and we both got louder the longer we went.

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