It's Morning: Chapter 3

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Hi everyone! I know it has been a while, but I'm trying my hardest. Please be patient with me. I hope everyone is still with me. I'm so glad that people are liking this story well enough that they are bugging me to update; it makes me so happy to know that people are actually enjoying this. Thank you! Read on!


Chapter 3:

Warmth. That's the first thing I felt when I began to wake up. Not the physical warmth, but the inside fuzzy warmth that you get when something makes you happy or content, and that is the warmth that I felt upon my ascension from sleep. A great amount of sore pain is what followed the warmth within me.

"Ow. What the hell did I do last night?" I whispered to myself as I sat up upon my bed. I groaned as I sat looking around my room groggily. I sleepily took note of a different bra and pair of underwear than I remembered putting on last night. It was after I slowly rubbed my eyes that I was conscious enough to smell the scent of my favorite breakfast being made from within the kitchen.

I quietly climbed off of my bed and tiptoed my way down the stairs and toward the kitchen. As I grew closer to the smell, a new one began to prove more potent. It was only when I took a quiet step into the kitchen that I saw a man standing near the stove as he was cooking.

He had broad shoulders that led into a toned back, and I'm sure a toned chest as well, that held had many tiny marks scattered across it. It was only as I took another step closer that I recognized them as being scars. He had a large assortment of scars across his back, but they did nothing against the beauty his tanned back portrayed. From my spot I could see that he also had strong tanned arms as if he had been working out in the sun for far too many hours. He looked incredible from what I could see, and he hadn't even turned around yet.

I could feel an invisible line pulling me toward this strong stranger. It was when his head finally turned to the side slightly that I stopped my approach. From where I stood, I could see him close his eyes and smile softly. I was about to turn and run from the kitchen when I heard the one thing that caused me to be frozen in shock where I stood.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to leave though I know that I have a lot of explaining to do. Please do not run from me, my fierce little female." A deep, alluring voice spoke from in front of me. It was after he spoke that the words registered in my mind, and he turned the stove off before he turned around completely to show his identity to me. "I'm also sorry for the pain. I was trying to be good until you were ready, and I'd explained everything to you. But then I saw you and I got a little excited. You have permission to slap me for that." He continued. He scrunched in face up when he spoke the last part.

I couldn't move. All I could do was look upon him with wide eyes. I watched, frozen, as he moved slowly and cautiously toward me. He breathed deeply as he moved to finally stand in front of me. He sheepishly smiled at me. I couldn't do anything but stare up at him. He was still just smiling at me. His eyes traveled over every part of my face.

His head was turned to the side the next moment as my hand stung. He straightened his head only to have it turned back to the side. Upon straightening his head again, it turned the opposite side. It was only when I slapped for a fourth time that I truly realized what I had been doing. He took a deep breath and slowly turned his head back to face me again. He closed his eyes in preparation for my next slap.

What he was not prepared for was what I chose to do next. I grabbed both sides of his face, and I kissed him. He immediately kissed me back. He kissed me back as he slowly pushed me up against the kitchen wall next to the doorway. I could feel the familiar rush of electricity that shocked through me as my hands moved down to his shoulders. He moved back slightly before he held me up by my thighs as I jumped up into his arms.

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