Happy Birthday: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

"Happy Birthday." A smooth masculine voice whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile as I began to open my eyes to a new day. "What do you want to do today, my fiery female? I will do whatever you want to do today. We could stay in bed most of the day, we could watch movies, we could have a home spa like day, or we could do anything else that you want. Today is your day." Roman continued to whisper to me as she placed small, delicate, feather-light kisses across my shoulder as if my skin were porcelain.

His slightly rough hand rubbed up and down my thinly covered side. His hand felt as if it were on fire as it continued to run the length of my torso; his fingers burning me as the sparks followed closely behind his touch as if they were a lost puppy following a hand to feed it. The feeling of his heat and the sparks made opening my eyes that much harder, though not as hard as the body that was laying firmly behind me and pressed against my back.

We had spent the rest of Roman's twenty-first birthday cooped up in the house as he'd wanted. After my brothers' departure, we placed a movie in the player to watch. I ended up being the only one to watch most of the movie as Roman spent the majority of it kissing me anywhere that he could as I sat on his lap. As he kissed along my shoulder, neck, and the side of my face, his hands slowly ran across my torso and legs slowly, just as slowly as his hands moved across me now.

"How about we have breakfast first, and then you and I go for a leisurely run in our fur?" I suggested. Slowly turning onto my back, I looked up at Roman's stone chiseled face as he smiled down at me. I couldn't help smiling back at him; the smile too hard for me to suppress as he looked too charming and happy as he looked back down at me. A small nod of his head caused me to smile even wider.

"Anything you want." He whispered before he placed a light, lingering kiss upon my shoulder again. I began to pull away and get up when his arm darted out and wrapped around my exposed waist in a vise-like grip. "Where is it that you think you're going?" He teasingly asked. I could feel the smirk that grew on his face as his warm breath heated the exposed side of my neck where he placed a light kiss before he chuckled.

Carefully lifting my hand, I brush it lightly down his chiseled face. He continued to lightly kiss my neck as my hand ran slowly into his hair, my fingers slipping in between the strands and going back and forth slowly. My other hand moved to the hand that was closest to me. Slipping my hand into Roman's, the sparks erupted between our skin. Squeezing my hand, he pushed himself up onto his elbows and looked down at me with a lazy smile.

Giving me a quick kiss to my lips, Roman disentangled himself from me and rolled over to the other side of the bed. I pushed myself up so that I was leaning back on my elbows as I watched with curious eyes at what Roman was doing. He pulled a tray from off of the nightstand and carefully moved it closer to me. I couldn't help the light laugh as I pulled myself and sat against the headboard as Roman placed the tray on my lap.

"You're the birthday girl, so you get breakfast in bed." He informed me with a completely straight face, but I could see the edges of his lips tip up ever-so-slightly as I smiled at his thoughtfulness. Picking up the fork that was placed on the tray, I began to slowly eat my birthday breakfast in bed. "I used my mom's old recipe for the pancakes. The one that you liked from the first moment you tried them all those years ago." He explained, a look of nostalgia in his beautiful eyes.

I couldn't help softly kissing his cheek as he smiled at me, returning from his memories. His smile grew when I put my fork in front of his lips with a piece of pancake on it. Once he was given his bite of my pancakes, I began to eat them myself again. At least, I tried to eat them, but Roman kept kissing me and stealing the bite I was in the middle of getting to my mouth. Quickly shoving one of the last few pieces in my mouth before he could get it, he decided to change the game by kissing me and stealing the piece that way.

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