Final Explanations for His Deal

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*WOLF KISSES!!! Aren't they so CUTE?! Bones- Alex G*

His Deal – Final Explanations:

1. Why didn't Roman and Natasha have more than six children?

a. Roman and Natasha technically are pregnant with their second and third child, but I didn't include that because my epilogue was getting long, and I didn't know how to bring it up in the epilogue. Natasha being pregnant with twins is the reason that Roman is going overprotective mate during the epilogue. He knows his mate is pregnant with twins, and it is the reason that he is so wary of Nikoletta. He doesn't know her, and he's worried (in his insane overprotective mind) that she's there to hurt Natasha.

b. Also I would like to point out that they've waited eight years to have more children because Alexei was a pain to deal with as a baby. I'm not at all good with describing pregnancies enough to actually write a chapter for Natasha being pregnant, but I can tell you that it was a pain for them both.

i. Natasha could only stomach meat during the beginning of her pregnancy, and then it was only meat and some dairy products. During the pregnancy, Natasha had to slowly start getting back into eating regular food, but she couldn't eat anything without accompanying it with meat (except ice cream).

ii. When Alexei was in Natasha's womb, weird stuff was happening. Alexei would seem to like he was trying to shift, but wasn't able to due to not being born yet. His parents never understood why (I will get to that).

iii. Once Alexei was born, he almost shifted the first moment he was being given to Natasha. They didn't know why as it had never happened.

iv. Alexei first fully shifted when he was two years old; to his parents, it was random (I'll get there). But when he shifted, he tore apart a whole room. He was literally a wolf pup that didn't recognize his parents until they shifted into their wolves. After that, he continued to shift a lot.

2. What would the names of Natasha and Roman's children be?

a. Alexei Verdi Vincenth- oldest, next alpha, highly animalistic, and the one you meet in the epilogue.

b. Syren Taylor Vincenth- second oldest, twin to Storme, very charismatic, and a little ladies man (even as a little boy)

c. Storme Chase Vincenth- third oldest, twin to Syren, very enthusiastic, and not a little ladies man (he watches his brother 'flirt' with girls, but he's not interested).

d. Taitem Evangeline Vincenth- fourth oldest, a triplet, very outspoken, and a daddy's girl.

e. Lulu Eve Vincenth- fifth oldest, a triplet, very sassy, and a daddy's girl.

f. Jules Kate Vincenth- sixth oldest, a triplet, very kind, and a momma's girl.

g. Elvyra Vitalee Vincenth- Youngest, copies her oldest brother's mate, very sweet, and a total momma's girl unless Nikoletta is around (Will explain further).

3. Who is Elyvera?

a. Elyvera is Elyvera Kate Lakes, the daughter of Baker and his mate (whose name is Dani). So she isn't actually Alexei's cousin, but he's too young to actually understand that yet.

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