What Truly Happened: Chapter 12

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*Skinny Love- Birdy. It sounds really sad and I couldn't help listening to it as I wrote this chapter. I hope you enjoy!*

Chapter 12:

It was a beautiful day. I had started it out with smiles and laughs; my son with his puppy dog begging eyes was the main reason for my laughter this morning. He was begging his father and I to allow him to buy some large extravagant gift for his darling little mate. His puppy dog eyes were working overtime as he tried to convince his father. I could only laugh because of how it had gone down.

"Can I please buy her the complete art tools collection? Please dad?!" My son had asked, a level one puppy dog eyes on his face.

"Your little mate doesn't even paint. Why would I let you get something she won't use?" My mate questioned logically as he was reading over papers.

"She doesn't paint because she has nothing to paint with. If I buy her this whole kit of art supplies, then she'll be able to paint whatever she wants. Please dad?!" My son continued as he kicked his puppy dog eyes up to a level three, innocent eyes plus a slight pout to his lip.

Without even looking at our son, my mate gave him our decision. "No."

"Please?!" He asked again as his eyes widened even further and the pout to his lips grew more, a level five puppy dog eyes. I was ready to cave, but my mate just repeated his answer. This continued for a bit of time, and it only stopped when my mate was prepared to demand our son understand his decision only to finally lock eyes on him.

"Oh, that's not even fair." My mate spoke as he looked at our son's level seven puppy dog eyes. My mate slowly breathed out. "Fine, you can buy your mate the art kit, but no complaining about getting more allowance." He said defeated before our son jumped up, hugged his father, and ran to go purchase the gift.\

Of course, that was a few hours ago. Now it is almost noon, and I am taking a leisurely stroll through the woods on the far-side of our pack. I was thinking about how I was going to broach a certain subject with my mate and husband since he barely pays attention to anything except work right now. Taking a deep breath, I look up to the beautiful blue sky. I can't help the smile that comes to my lips as I look at the cloudless, sunny blue sky above me through the many trees.

"Hello, love." A familiar voice greets in my ear as the person wraps their arms around my waist. I immediately pull myself out of their arms and spin to look at them. "Why do you look so distraught, my love? It's only me." He asked with a smile.

"If I look distraught, then it is because you are calling me 'love' and not understanding that I am happily married and mated to my mate and your alpha!" I answer in outrage. He should know better than to call me anything like that. The sound of him calling me that just makes my skin crawl. "You should know that by now, Peter. I have a mate and a son. A son that I will be celebrating the eleventh birthday of in mere weeks." I spoke further in outrage.

"You think I care that you have a son? Your son doesn't matter! Only you and I matter." Peter continued to speak, further making my skin crawl.

"No! My mate, your alpha, and my son are the things that matter to me. Your loyalty to your alpha and to your future mate should matter to you. Don't pull me into whatever fantasy you have of me leaving my family just to be with you!" I retorted with disgust, disgust at his blatant disregard for my son and my mate.

"They don't matter because you and I will be together. We will mate and conceive an heir. This is a beautiful place to start our future, don't you think? Sunny clear blue sky, surrounded by beautiful trees, we can do it here in this beautiful meadow in either human or wolf form. I want you to choose how our lives together will begin." Peter told me with an open mouthed smile and a fantasy in his eyes. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms where he held me tightly to him.

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