•Chapter One•

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     'Work sure was busy today...' You thought while walking in the rain back home. You were excited to finally be home after an exhausting day, today there were loads of customers in the pastry shop you work at.

     While distracted you felt something hit the top of your head. "Ow!" You yelped while touching your head, after a minute you looked at the ground.

     There, a black notebook laid. The black leathery substance felt good when you grabbed it, on the front it read 'Death Note' and you gasped. If it was real...

     You opened your trench coat a bit and stuck it inside, you hurried home while even more droplets of water hit you.

     You entered the apartment building and hurried up the stairs, when you reached your apartment room, you took the key and opened the door. You practically ran inside with excitement, forgetting about the exhaustion your body had gone through.

     You locked the door securely and walked to your desk in your office, you took your coat off and grabbed the notebook. You put it on the desk. You had to test it, to know it wasn't fake.

     You grabbed your laptop and put it on your desk as well. You searched up on the internet about criminals in Japan. One criminal caught your attention.

(This is made up, this person isn't real.)
Criminal: Jatsu Rode
Date Of Birth: January 5, 1987
Crimes: Has raped 3 women.

     The criminals face showed up on the next page. You opened the notebook and grabbed a pen, you looked at the screen where his face was shown while you wrote his name down.

     Before you did, you read on how to use the notebook, so you didn't mess up or act noobish.

     You spun your chair around and turned the tv on. You gasped, they were talking about the criminal right now.

     "It seems Kira has made another move! Criminal Jatsu Rode has just died of a heart attack! He raped 3 women and was about to be executed! Seems Kira did it for them!"

     The woman reporting the news exclaimed. 'It's real! It really does work!' You thought while almost falling out of your chair.

      "What? Cat got your tongue?" You heard a voice ask sarcastically. You whipped around. "No! Who are you and what are you?" You asked the thing as you eyes it up and down, while doing so you turned the tv off.

     It was definitely NOT human... It was really tall and slouched. It had black spiked hair with dark green eyes. It had large sharp hands and wore all black with spikes at his shoulders. AND it had a belt around its waist that showed three skulls.

     "My name is Vladimir and I am a shinigami." Vladimir spoke as he eyed you up and down. "And your name is Y/N L/N, you are a student of the To-Oh University and are brilliant." He spoke again.

     "I'm impressed, but not that much, after all you are a shinigami." You said smirking. "Is this yours?" You asked him while holding up the death note, he nodded and sat down on your couch.

    "It is indeed my'n, but I will let you hold onto it. This game looks fun, thus I will let you hold onto it, like I said before. I'm letting you because humans are quite interesting." Vladimir told you as he grabbed a pear from your bowl of fruits.

     "Fair enough. Now that I know that this," You paused while holding the notebook up. "Is real, I'm going to help Kira with becoming the new god of this world. I will be his loyal subject and helper." You spoke wholeheartedly.

     "We'll see, Y/N, the future is unpredictable... for humans at least, not me!" Vladimir chuckled. You nodded and smiled at him, you told him you were going to sleep so you did.


     You woke up, you just had the most peaceful slumber ever, you thanked the notebook for that.

     You stood and walked to your wardrobe; you took out undergarments, skinny jeans, a black crop top, black lace choker, black and white sneakers, and a black leather jacket.

     You put them on your bed and showered quickly, enjoying the feeling of water hitting your body. You dressed calmly. The clothes hugged your body perfectly, making you look hot, you smiled.

You walked out of your bedroom into your kitchen, where Vladimir was hanging out. "Morning." He said while eating another pear.

"Good morning!" You exclaimed cheerfully while grabbing a pear of your own. You ate it with eyes closed. "So now that I have your notebook, are you going to follow me around or something?" You asked him, he simply nodded at you.

"Well come on then, I have to go to school you know!" You exclaimed as you grabbed your bag and left your apartment, not without locking the door though.

You practically ran to school, feeling super excited. You hid the notebook in your bag, which had a false flat bottom, under the fake bottom was the notebook, the Death Note.

Today there was an exam, for math. You sighed as you entered the room and sat down, Vladimir floated carelessly above you. Before you entered the classroom, you told him not to talk to you unless it was important, he simply agreed and ate another pear.

You flew through the exam, you sighed throughout it a lot, it was to easy! When you were on your last question, which was question 50, Vladimir poked your shoulder.

"What is it?" You whispered quietly, kind of annoyed when he interrupted your exam, you adored mathematics.

"Kira is in this room."

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